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The Spy Who Loved Me by Domark


James Bond and Soviet agent Anya Amasova form an unlikely alliance in this the most famous of Bond's escapades. Together they must investigate the recent disappearance of two submarines - one Russian and one British. Microfilm evidence suggests that they have been stolen by the power-mad Karl Stromberg. You are despatched to Sardinia to investigate Stromberg's plans at his underwater fortress Atlantis.

To assist you in your mission, Q has provided his revolutionary Submarine Car which, when kitted out, is armed to the teeth with a fantastic array of weaponry.


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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

The Spy Who Loved Me Marketing item 1

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Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.



On Land
Offensive Weapons: Machine Gun, Missile Launcher,Ground to Air Missiles
Rear Defenses: Smoke Gun, Paint Jet, Vehicle Armour

Offensive Weapons: Explosive Bolts (4-way), Torpedoes (8-way),Laser gun
Rear Defenses: Vehicle Armour

Offensive Weapon: Missile Launcher
Defensive Weapon: Smoke Gun

Wet Bike
Offensive Weapons: Machine Gun (4-way), Micro Missiles (3-way),Laser gun
Defensive Weapon: Vehicle Armour

All weapons are available from the Q-Truck, or as packages which can be collected en route.


Scene 1.
Bond and Anya collect the car from Q at the harbour and drive to their hotel. Take this opportunity to practise your driving skills and learn how to handle the car. There is a time limit - you have to get to the hotel in time to catch a boat which will take you to your meeting with Stromberg. Use the car's terrific handling to avoid innocent people and traffic as you hurtle along the twisting roads to your destination.

Drive over Q-Tokens to buy extra weapons for use in later scenes having picked up the speedboat Bond must travel out to Stromberg's Atlantis, avoiding innocent swimmers, wooden piers and Stromberg's agents whose speedboats follow in hot pursuit

Scene 2.
Having completed their meeting with Stromberg, Bond and Anya head back to their hotel. However, Stromberg's suspicions are aroused and he orders them killed. Drive into the Q-Truck to buy weapons and to repair your car using the Q-Tokens you have collected.

James decides to have another look at Atlantis - from underwater. You can only get into this scene by obtaining underwater capability from Q. Use the extra weapons provided by Q to destroy large enemies.

Scene 3. (16-bit versions only)
Scene 4. (16-bit versions only)

Scene 5.
The US Commander has orders to destroy Atlantis even though Anya is still hostage. Bond is given one hour to rescue her. Using the specially modified Wet Bike flown in by Q, he must destroy its outer defenses and enter Atlantis.

Q has air dropped packages onto the surface for you to collect. Use these to destroy the various craft which are determined to stop you reaching your destination.

Scene 6. (16-bit versions only)

Guide Bond using joystick or keyboard. Press fire to shoot and launch extra weapons. Hold down the fire key to operate the car's defense systems.

Cheat Mode

CPC 464 : At address 113C poke 00
CPC 6128 : At address 123C poke 00 - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

The Spy Who Loved Me Videos

Watch The Spy Who Loved Me Amstrad CPC/GX 4000 gameplay videos

Video by : yaume

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DJevAL says

"Damn, I love my Bond movies, but I'm sure as hell not impressed by the majority of its games!! And here's another example of this - just plain average and mediocrity. There's so little love and attention gone into programming this - the coders didn't bother so why should you. Another lazy conversion by Domark - surprise surprise!"

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  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.