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Robocop by Ocean Software


After being transferred to Metro City in Detroit things are already looking bleak for your future as Alex Murphy.

On your first day you are shot dead by a group of cop killers and resurrected by OCP as a part man, part machine cyborg codenamed Robocop.

Before long your memory returns and it's time for some serious revenge.

Play Robocop Online

Robocop for the Amstrad CPC can be played online using nothing more than your browser and making sure you have the latest versions of Java or the Adobe Flash Player.

Play now via : CPC-Live 

Note : Please read all instructions on external websites before reporting a problem to CPC Zone.


Showing the first 6 screens:

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To enlarge an image simply click the thumbnail above, for the complete Robocop gallery click here.

Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Robocop Marketing item 1Robocop Marketing item 2Robocop Marketing item 3

Click any thumbnail to zoom, click here for the complete marketing gallery.

Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.

No instructions for this game, if you own them and are able to type up or OCR the originals then please do.

Cheat Mode

For this you will need the original Robocop computer game for the Amstrad CPC 464 and beware this is a tricky thing to do but it does work.

Now load the game as far as the main menu and set things up, now when you are asked to start the tape so that your level can load play the cassete until it says:

Searching For Level 1
Found Level 1

Now immediately stop the tape and fast forward to the second part of the next level, hit the play button. If you have timed things correctly the level of your choice will load instead of level 1, you can do this with every level of the game! - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

At address 3F23 poke 00 for infinite energy - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

Robocop Map Part 1
Robocop Map Part 2
Robocop Map Part 3
Robocop Map Part 4
Robocop Map Part 5
Robocop Map Part 6 - submitted by The Devil's Phoneix

Robocop Videos

Watch Robocop Amstrad CPC/GX 4000 gameplay videos

Video by : andyukmonkey

Note : We are currently only showing one video per page to help performance, there may be more videos available for this game.

Loading Screen Comparison

Robocop Amstrad CPC Loading Screen Amstrad CPC Version
Robocop ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Spectrum Version
Robocop Commodore 64 Loading Screen Commodore 64 Version

Your Comments and Memories

Note : "Personal Ratings" are not ranked. You can still rate this game using the star rating on the right hand side, you're only allowed to rate a game once.

You can also discuss this game on our forums.

Showing up to the last 5 posts


DJevAL says

"One of the greatest games on the CPC! Certainly the best movie tie in (although Batman The Movie runs a very close 2nd place), and the best of the 8-bit versions. Everything gets top marks here - graphics, animation, sounds/music, gameplay, scrolling, etc - the only let down is once you've played through it enough times and know the layout of enemies in the levels you'll soon enough get to the end every time, so we have to marks off for longevity ... or maybe not, as I keep coming back to play this again and again to this day! Just a really great experience and joy to play. Full marks."


khisanth says

"By far the best 8bit version. Colourful detailed graphics, nice difficulty level and plays very nicely"


britnostalgic says

"What's the best version kid... amstrad CPC, have a nice day."


Andyuk says

"I love the music in this! Smooth gameplay too!"


scooby1970 says

"Excellent game, which I only just finished recently for the first time ever!"

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Corrections, Removal and Submissions

Submitting corrections : If you have spotted a mistake on this page (wrong synopsis etc) please contact us via the forums.

Removal : We will NOT make any changes to this page if:

  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.