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Yarkon Blues 2 by Cronosoft


The small Gecko class scout ship shuddered and slowly rose from the small forest clearing. It paused for a few heart stopping moments before engaging its auto-pilot and thundering into the darkening sky.

Rick settled back into his less than comfy seat and tried to forget about his recent trials and tribulations. That very weird Yarkon was just unmentionable.

The strange planet quickly fell away as the ship powered through the atmosphere and into the cold unforgiving vacuum of space. This finely crafted yet throughly cliched prose would have been thoroughly wasted on Rick though - He was already fast asleep.

As Rick snored the engine roared, propelling the small craft through uncharted depths and into the vast unknown. Whilst on the subject of "things unknown" this is probably a good time to mention the destination of the ship that Rick was currently in possession of. The ship's previous owner (a certain Mr.Fastbender Gloop) had over the years acquired a questionable legal status, and of course, being such a private man, he hated to be bothered by eager young space-police constables during zero-g football on Sunday afternoons. So with this in mind (just as a precaution you understand) he chose a suitably out of the way place to set up home and an equally out of the way place in case things should get a little too hot...and that special place was Space Station Zebra.

Sometime later, Rick finally approached the slowly spinning space station. Quite soon after this, someone on the station started to open hailing frequency's in order to make contact, but Rick ignored them as he was asleep. A short time later, a large number of ships began to leave the station in what can only be called a hurry. Rick, with blatant disregard for the plot. Ignored this as well. As the Gecko edged closer to Zebra. Rick also ignored the multiple blast marks that had scared the station, as well as the badly damaged space doors of the main docking bay. He was after all, asleep.

The scout ship fired its retro-rockets which jolted out sleepy hero awake just as the craft glided into the smaller, undamaged docking bay. "Ah, peace at last". he casually remarked as he thought about the long rest he was planning to have. The poor fool...


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Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.

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