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Double Dragon by Virgin Games


Your girlfriend has been kidnapped by a group a vigilantes who seem intent on bringing the city and yourself into complete torment. Battle your way through level after level of evil baseball bat wielding nutters and rescue your girlfriend before it's too late.


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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Double Dragon Marketing item 1

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Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.


BILLY LEE: Height 5'10''. Weight 165 lbs. Billy began his Kung Fu training at the age of 12 and became a Kung Fu Sosaiken Master at 20.

JIMMY LEE: Height 5'10''. Weiht 170 lbs. Billy's twin brother and also a master in the martial arts.

LOPAR: Height 5'8''. Weight 175 lbs. Packs a nasty right and left punch, and gets a kick out of hurling oil-drums around.

ABOBO: Height 6'3''. Weight 167 lbs. The Middle Boss, Abobo likes to slap people about.

WILLIAMS: Height 5'8''. Weight 167 lbs. Has perfected a strong jump-kick, and is very handy with a knife or a baseball bat.

LINDA: Height 5'4''. Weight 114 lbs. Watch out for her swift right and left punches. She also cracks a mean whip.

CHINTAI: Height 5'6''. Weight 152 lbs. A Karate Master. Enough said...

WILLY: Height 6'. Weight 205 lbs. The Big Boss, Willy is armed with a machine gun and, needless to say, won't hesitate to use it.


As you fight your way through, some attackers will be carrying weapons - baseball bats, whips, etc. Defeat them and the weapon is yours to use! Just push fire to hit the way you're facing.


You have a vast range of fighting skills at your disposal. Individual attacking moves are detailed below:

LEFT OR RIGHT PUNCH - press Fire to punch your opponent in the direction you are facing.

KICK - move joystick to the right and press Fire to kick forwards. If you can get very close to your opponent, you can turn the kick into a HAIR GRAB KICK.

HEAD-BUTT - move joystick down and press Fire to head-butt your opponent.

WHIRLWIND KICK - move joystick in south-west direction and press Fire to turn and kick.

ELBOW BACKWARD - move joystick to the left and press Fire to elbow an opponent.

JUMP UP - move joystick up and press Fire.

HAIR GRAB KICK - get close to your opponent and move joystick in south-east direction, press Fire. Wicked move!

JUMP BACKWARD - move the joystick up and left and press Fire.

JUMP FORWARD - move the joystick up and right and press Fire.


Joystick or keyboard


At the bottom of the screen are shown two sectional bar displays, with a number next to thwm. These are the 'lives left' information for the two players. As the bar runs down, a life ebbs away. Once all the lives are gone, you're history!

In the center is displayed the time left to complete the level you're playing. If the count goes to zero, you lose a life. Tough huh? No loitering.

Just as in the Arcade, you clear a level to progress deeper into Gang territory. A victory tune announces comletion and you move onto the next stage. If you succeed in winning through all five stages ...... a surprise awaits you.

Hace a nice day!

Cheat Mode

At address 393D poke 00 for infinite lives
At address 384F poke 00 for infinite time

Disk version:

At address 4CEB poke 00 for infinite lives - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

Double Dragon Videos

Watch Double Dragon Amstrad CPC/GX 4000 gameplay videos

Video by : Axelino

Note : We are currently only showing one video per page to help performance, there may be more videos available for this game.

Loading Screen Comparison

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Showing up to the last 5 posts


britnostalgic says

"Good conversion of the arcade original."


Ste H says

"Don`t confuse the version you played with the one in these screenshots! There are two versions of Double Dragon out for the Amstrad; one that sadly nearly everybody got, whilst was awful, whilst the second port was by Richard Aplin and only for the CPC 128! It was really good too!"


cpc4eva says

"This game was a huge success at the arcades all those years ago and the cpc conversion just didnt match it - the gameplay is tooo slow and downright awkward.... a real shame not a good game at all."

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  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.