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Chain Reaction by Durell


The Anti-Nuclear Party have reprogrammed power station robo-equipment to empty the containment vault and attack all human staff. They have scattered eighteen canisters of highly dangerous radioactive fuel-rods throughout the seven-storey building. You have 50 minutes, an armour piercing machine gun and a personal jet-pack. You have the latest anti-radiation suit. The building has decontamination showers that may help you, but you will be fighting against time, intense radiation, robo-weapons and all of this in a hostile environment with dangerously open floors, and the ever present threat of falling down the vault.


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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Chain Reaction Marketing item 1

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Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.


Joystick or redfinable keyboard.

Note: If you press Fire with an object held, you will drop the object before firing can commence.

Note: If a joystick is used pressing jetpack will automatically make you fly forwards. On the keyboard you may press jetpack + any other keys to control your flight.

Note: You pick up rods by walking towards them. Once dropped, you may then nudge them down holes (also by walking towards them).If you wish to pick up a dropped rod you will have to leavethe room and re-enter.


You can start in the central room, ground floor, of a seven storery building (floors are colour coded). In front of you is the containment vault - do not fall in!

The door at the top of the screen leads to a room with a fuel rod canister in it. Shoot the robot guarding it, walk into the rod (i.e. pick it up), return to the containment vault room, press Fire to drop rod, then nudge it down the hole (without falling in).

The door on the upper right of the screen leads to a room with a decontamination shower (one of many) which you should use when your suit's radiation level (gauge on bottom left) gets near the red (or you will die). Your radiation goes up when robots shoot at you, and when you are carrying or nudging the fuel rods.

When you're skilled you will be able to jetpack over the vault, pressing Fire midway across to jettison the rod. On the bottom right of the screen you will see the remaining rods, colour coded to indicate the floors on which they may be found. Use the lifts to go up, and the square holes in the upper floors to come (fall) down. Don't waste time fighting with robots. Use your jetpack economically in short bursts. You have about 30 minutes!


RAD - shows your current contamination. This bar will increase when you get shot and when you carry or nudge a fuel rod.

JET - shows how much power is present in your jetpack. The jetpack will automatically regain power when not in use.

SCORE - increases as you gain points, while TIME runs out.

RODS - are shown on the bottom right, in the colour of their current floor location.


Kill Robot - 100
1st Rod in vault - 64
2nd Rod in vault - 128
3rd Rod in vault etc. -192 etc.
Al Rods (Bonus) - 10000

Cheat Mode

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