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Bruce Lee by US Gold


In "Bruce Lee" you will experience the power and the glory of Bruce Lee, one of the greatest masters of martial arts. As Bruce Lee, you will confront a barrage of vicious foes. You must penetrate the fortress of the evil wizard and claim his fortunes. Destroying the wizard will earn you immortality and infinite wealth!

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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Bruce Lee Marketing item 1Bruce Lee Marketing item 2Bruce Lee Marketing item 3

Click any thumbnail to zoom, click here for the complete marketing gallery.

Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.

An opulent, mysterious and perilous fortress is the setting as Bruce Lee seeks to claim infinite wealth and the secret of immortality from the Wizard who dwells within.

You begin your search for the wizard at the entrance to his fortress This chamber and each chamber here, is sealed off from the other rooms. The only way to get from one room to the adjoining room is to jump up and take the lanterns which hang from the ceiling. When you get all the lanterns (or at least certain lanterns) for that room, the door opens (Watch the edges of your screen so that you'll see when your exit is possible.)

Hint: You most get all of the lanterns in the lost three rooms in order to proceed. Then go to the middle room and look for the opening through which you can exit.

Throughout your search for the wizard, you are attacked by the Ninja brandishing their bokken sticks. Even more dangerous is the Green Yamo who runs after you and delivers crushing kicks. Dock and run away to foil there attempts to harm you, then come back kicking and chopping - the Green Yamo can survive only three blows, and the Ninja can survive only two.

Take as many lanterns and cover as much ground 3S you can before these foes reappear.

To get around each room you can climb vines (up, down, or sideways), ride on waves of particles which change direction at random, leap from ledge to ledge and jump down from a ledge without injury.

Hazards and traps await you in rooms close to the wizard's chamber. You must avoid electrical charges passing through daps between ledges, pan lights streaming across the flour, and exploding t'sung-lin (bushes) appearing from nowhere. When you finally reach the wizard keep away from the fireballs streaming from his eyes. Press the button which destroys the wizard - and his fortunes are yours! Enjoy them because your next foray into the fortress will be more difficult.

Type RUN "" and press RETURN

BEGIN PLAY by pressing the ENTER key.
KICK by pressing the joystick button while you are running. You will deliver a kick in that direction.
CHOP by pressing the joystick button while you are standing still.
LEAP to get from one ledge to another by moving the joystick up and to the left or right.
JUMP to take a lantern or to grab onto a vine.
CLIMB up a vine by positioning yourself under it, moving the joystick tip, and holding it there until you reach the top.
DUCK to avoid a blow from the Green Yamo, or the Ninja, by pulling the joystick down.
PAUSE the game by pressing the ENTER key.

Cheat Mode

This one provides you with lots of lives:

10 DATA 21,e2,39,36,c3,23
20 DATA 36,16,23,36,be,21
30 DATA 40,00,e5,21,00,bb
40 DATA e5,c3,b7,39,e5,21
50 DATA 74,02,36,2c,23,36
60 DATA 85,e1,f1,f3,c9,21
70 DATA f1,65,36,a7,c3,00
80 DATA 58
90 y=0: MEMORY &2000
100 FOR x=&BE00 TO &BE2A
110 READ a$: a=VAL("&"+a$)
120 POKE x,a: y=y+a: NEXT
130 IF y<>&122E THEN 160
140 LOAD "bruce lee",&A300
150 CALL &BE00
160 PRINT "Data Error" - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

easter egg
Yup, there is actually 2 little easter eggs in Bruce Lee. Most people who have played the game probably know the first one, but to get the other one .. is hard, so.

Anyway, here goes one the first one: remember the room with the purple/white jing/jang 1up powerup ? Did you know if you immediately enter the room again the 1up has respawn? and that you can do this several times (about 5 or 6 times).

And the secret one: if you managed to get to very same spot without dying at all (aka a perfect run) .. you will have just enough respawn 1up's to break the life counter !! What happens: when you get to the 9 life and you pick one more 1up .. the counter goes not to 10 as you would presume .. but to 99 lives (woot!).

Little more info: you may be able to get the 99 lives even if you die once (if i remember correctly). Also it may depend if you collect enough points first. The stage with the 1up is entered from the room with 3 exits and you can choose to enter one of the 3 at will (its the leftmost one that leads to the 1up, but if you enter the other ones first and rack up more points ... ).

Fear not though .. the laser field later will make sure to remove most of those 99 lives (if not all, lol) before you manage to pass it. - submitted by Cholo

Bruce Lee Videos

Sorry we do not currently have any video for Bruce Lee if you would like to submit one please visit our forums and post your Youtube URL.

Loading Screen Comparison

Bruce Lee Amstrad CPC Loading Screen Amstrad CPC Version
Bruce Lee ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Spectrum Version
Bruce Lee Commodore 64 Loading Screen Commodore 64 Version

Your Comments and Memories

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You can also discuss this game on our forums.

Showing up to the last 5 posts


britnostalgic says

"Not as good as the C64 version, but an amazing game all the same."


khisanth says

"Fun game that has plenty of atmosphere. Easy to pick up and play and a nice difficulty level. very good!"


Ritchardo mkII says

"At the time, Bruce Lee was one of the very best games available on the CPC and a must have title. It was also one of the first games I completed however and with a little solid play, the game can soon be beaten. Fun but lacks a real lasting challenge. If you haven`t played it before then try it."


cpc4eva says

"I wouldnt go so far as giving this game a 10 as some of u have. Its just a below average game with alot of running around doing nothing and it bares no resemblance to the great man Bruce Lee at all - it does him no justice a real cheap shot by US GOLD to cash in on the great mans name."

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Submitting corrections : If you have spotted a mistake on this page (wrong synopsis etc) please contact us via the forums.

Removal : We will NOT make any changes to this page if:

  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.