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Comments for Hunt for Red October by Grandslam - Amstrad CPC/GX4000


RED OCTOBER is the latest Soviet Nuclear ballistic missile submarine. Armed with 26 SS-N-20 Seahawk missiles it is capable of destroying 200 cities. It is also the first Soviet submarine equipped with the unique Caterpillar propulsion system making detection nearly impossible.

In this simulation you are Captain First Rank Marko Ramius, Commander of Red October. Your mission is to reach the United States of America - TO DEFECT!

Your first challenge is to negotiate the Reykanes Bridge, off the icelandic coast, evading the Soviet Red Banner fleet pursuing you. Once into the Atlantic you must successfully rendezvous with the US Navy and feign the destruction of Red October. Your crew is not aware of the defection but the Soviet Navy is. Its objective is to stop you - at any cost!

Based on the original book.

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