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Xanagrams by Amsoft


Sorry either we do not have an official synopsis for this title or one was never actually written by the game developer, this is particularly true in the case of game packages that have multiple titles in one box. If you own this game, have access to the synopsis (usually written on the back of the box) and would like to submit it to CPC Zone for inclusion on this page, please post on our forums.


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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Sorry we do not have any marketing images for this title, it could be true that this title was never actively advertised by its publisher or that we simply missed any posters etc that were published back in the day. If you have a poster, snippet or anything that could be classed as promotional for this title then please do send it in, please note however that we currently have a max of 3 images per titles in this section.

Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.

Loading Instructions

a) Check the cassette is fully rewound
b) Hold down the CTRL key and press the small ENTER key.
c) Press the play key on the Datacorder followed by pressing any key
d) Xanagrams will then load together with a list of words, when everything has loaded "Xanagrams" will be displayed on the screen. Loading will take about 9 minutes.

Playing Xanagrams

e) You will then be asked which level of play you require. There are 3 levels:-

level 1 is set for junior school children
level 2 is for the senior school child
level 3 is for adults and brighter children

f) Select the level of play by pressing 1,2 or 3

g) having chosen the level of play the program will ask how many words you require (1 to 5). If more than 1 word is chosen the words will be linked like a crossword. Obviously the more words you choose the more challenging the game! Select the number by pressing the relevant key.

h) The XANAGRAMS screen will then be displayed. The words will be layed out as a series of boxes. You will have to guess which letter goes in which box. This is done by simply pressing the relevant alphabetic key. The box for the letter you are currently guessing is shown flashing.

i) On the right of the screen are all the letters that go to make up the words.

j) When a correct letter is chosen it will appear in the appropriate box, disappear from the list on the right and you will score 30 points. If you make an incorrect choice you will lose 5 points and the colour of the letter in the table on the right will change.

k) You can move the cursor about by using the cursor keys. If you move the cursor before finding the correct letter then the letters in the table are restored to their original colour.

l) If you are stuck then by pressing the number 1 key that letter is revealed but you will lose 50 points, or 100 points if it is the first letter of a word.

m) If you are totally defeated and wish to end the game, press number 3 followed by the letter Y, and the remaining letters will be displayed.

n) If you wish to avoid disturbing other people then you can turn the sound off by pressing [the] number 5 key. The sound can be restored by pressing 5 again.

o) At the top of the screen the current and highest score is displayed


700 - Stay in after school
800 - Extra homework please
900 - Are you paying attention?
1000 - Not bad
1100 - Improving
1200 - Excellent
over 1200 - You may go to the top of the class and give out the pencils at playtime!

Cheat Mode

No cheats found for this game. If you have one and would like to have it included on this page, please contact us.

Xanagrams Videos

Sorry we do not currently have any video for Xanagrams if you would like to submit one please visit our forums and post your Youtube URL.

Loading Screen Comparison

No comparison loading screens found for this title.

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Corrections, Removal and Submissions

Submitting corrections : If you have spotted a mistake on this page (wrong synopsis etc) please contact us via the forums.

Removal : We will NOT make any changes to this page if:

  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.