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Night Breed by Ocean Software


You are Boone, one of the NIGHTBREED.

You begin your journey at the gates of the Necropolis, a graveyard above an underground labyrinth where the Nightbreed live called Midian. Your task is to save the Nightbreed. a race older than man, of fantastic beings, shape-changers who are being attacked by man's jealousy in the form of the "Sons of the Free", an evil organization which come to destroy them - and you if they can.


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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Night Breed Marketing item 1

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Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.



Place the rewound cassette in the cassette deck, type RUN" and press ENTER key. Follow the instructions as they appear on-screen. If there is a disk drive attached then type | TAPE then press ENTER key. Then type RUN and press ENTER key. Please note that the game loads in a number of parts - follow on-screen instructions.


Insert the program disk into the drive with the A side facing upwards. Type | DISC and press ENTER to make sure the machine can access the disk drive. Now type RUN DISC and press ENTER - the game will now load automatically.

DISK CPC 664/6128

Insert the program disk into the drive with the A side facing upwards. Type | DISC and press RETURN to make sure the machine can access the disk drive. Now type RUN DISC and press RETURN - the game will now load automatically.


Nightbreed is a one player game and all versions of the game may be controlled by either joystick or Keyboard.

Nightbreed Controls

With fire pressed:

Nightbreed Controls (with fire pressed)

P - UP



BOONE is a man being treated for psychiatric disorder. He is told by Doctor Decker that he is responsible for a series of terrible murders. He then tries to commit suicide and, while in hospital, is told of a place where all his sins can be forgiven. a place of wonderful beings, a place called MIDIAN. He makes his way to Midian but unwittingly unleashes man on the NIGHTBREED.

The NIGHTBREED are a tribe of shape-changing beings, all that are left of a race of beings who have almost been wiped out by man. The Nightbreed are mostly passive - you have to avoid them rather than fight them. There are several types of Breed:

BIG FLY This swoops down and knocks you over if you don't kneel to avoid it. It cannot be harmed.

FATMAN He gets in your way and moves very slowly. He also vomits and this is poisonous if touched.

SNAKEMAN He sits there and rattles his tail. If you go near him he may strike you, pushing you back off the screen. It must be punched and kicked off the screen.

THE BERSERKERS Large and lumbering, he walks up to you and punches you wIth his big fist. You must hit him off the screen.

FLYING TEETH This flies on the screen at head height and if you don't duck it knocks you over.

HEAD MONSTER This is a large Berserker that hits you, but when you hit it its head flies around hurling insults at you.

ROOF CRAWLER This crawls along the roof dropping rocks on you.

HOPPER This hops around the room and if it hits you knocks you over.

SCORPION MAN A scorpion with a man's head, it creeps towards you and strikes you with its tail.

EYEBALL MONSTER This is a huge eyeball which moves about the top of the screen and tries to look into your eyes. When it does a ray comes out and if you don't look away it harms you.

The SONS OF THE FREE are an evil organisation who have come to destroy the Nightbreed and Midian. They are armed to the teeth with Rocket Launchers, Flame Throwers, Machine Guns, Grenades, etc. The Sons of the Free either appear on the ground or can drop from above. There are five types of Sons of the Free:-

HAND TO HAND They run towards you and start punching and kicking.

HAND GUN They fire several shots at you until they run out of bullets or you get near them, They then revert to hand to hand combat, (If you kill them and their gun still has bullets left you can collect it.)

MACHINE GUN They fire a machine gun at you in bursts but if you get too close or they want to stop they revert to hand to hand combat.

ROCKET LAUNCHER They kneel down with the launcher and a sight appears over the Son of the Free and homes in on you. If the sight locks on to you then the rocket is launched and is very difficult to avoid.

FLAME THROWER They try to stay at a certain distance from you moving backwards and forwards firing their flame throwers. The flame either goes straight (jump over them) or upwards (duck). They move slower than you so you can get near them. They then revert to hand to hand combat.

THE MASK is the alter-ego of Boone's doctor. Doctor Decker is in fact the mass murderer and follows Boone to Midian and then leads the Sons of the Free there. Boone must defeat the Mask to complete the game. As well as the Sons of the Free and the Nightbreed you will encounter other hazards:-

MINES Step on these and you are blown into the air, The surrounding area is also destroyed.

TIME BOMBS These are thrown on from the side and tick away and explode if you do not get to them in time.

GRENADES These are thrown in and travel across the screen and explode on contact if you do not jump over them.

GROUND-FIRES These flare up and burn if touched.

FALLING FIRES These are like ground fires but drop from above

FALLING ROCKS These hurt if you get hit.

BERSERKERS HANDS These grab you from below and knock you over.

ENERGY DROPLETS drift upwards from the ground and will replenish your energy on contact.

In order to complete the entire game you must do the following:

1) Collect the 3 keys to Midian: one is located on each level. In order to obtain the 3rd key, you must defeat the MASK (although he will subsequently escape).

2) Work your way around the Necropolis and down through Midian to the Nightbreeds' God, BAPHOMET, who will then baptize you. This will enable you to transform into CABAL for short periods of time. CABAL can withstand attack better than BOONE and has greater strength than his alter-ego.

3) Open the door to the BERSERKERs chamber,

4) Work your way up to the surface of Midian to free the Breed. They then tell you that the MASK has your girlfriend, LORI.

5) Descend back down and engage in the ultimate battle with the MASK. With victory achieved, you must get back to the surface of Midian where you will be re-united with LORI.


The game uses a graphical password entry system. The player has the option to create a key from pieces laid out on the screen. The correct keys allow the player to enter further on in the game. These keys are displayed at certain points on the background. The players lives and objects held are changed as appropriate.


The status is displayed on two panels, one above and one below the playing area and consists of:

Boone's head changes colour and definition when he transforms into a monster and back into a man.

This displays general messages to the player such as warning, loading information and insults.

These two are combined in the form of three heads which pixel away into skulls as Boone is hurt. After a complete head is a skull Boone falls over, dies and is then resurrected by Baphomet. After the last life is gone Boone dies and the game ends. If Boone gains some energy only the present head will turn back from a skull, so once you have lost a head it is gone for good.

These are displayed on the bottom panel.


  • Don't fight if you don't have to as this will drain energy.
  • Save the Gun for really nasty protagonists.
  • Replenish energy as much as possible.
  • Try and find the quickest way between obJectives.
  • Make a map.
  • Strike hard and fast.
  • Always pick up gun magazines.

Cheat Mode

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Night Breed Videos

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Loading Screen Comparison

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DJevAL says

"Nice colourful graphics, sfx and presentation all round - but not much else in its favour. Could have been a lot worse for a movie tie-in, but I recommend playing this with a map (can find one on World Of Spectrum). Do go and check out the movie that was criminally overlooked at the time though!!"

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  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.