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Dizzy by Codemasters


Dizzy was exploring the haunted forest, looking for berries, flowers and a piece of wood with which to make a club when he uncovered a mystifying stone slab. Brushing the dirt asside he was able to read (after a great deal of head scratching) the faint inscriptions.

The Avawiffovee Potion

Dizzy remembered his Eggfather had spoken of such a potion, 'it is the only way to rid our land of athletes foot, and it can also be used to destroy the Evil Wizard Zaks.` Dizzy trembled with fear as he recalled those words. Zaks brought fear to the village, he cast spells that turned people old, made men blind and caused it to rain every Sunday afternoon during Cricket. Dizzy was determinded to put a stop to all this, he would be the hero of the yolkfolk. He read on.

"Fill a potion bottle with cooked leprechauns wig, clouds silver lining, Vampire dux feather and some troll brew - cook the potion and throw it at Zaks to dissolve his reign."

He covered it up and quickly made ready to liberate the land of Katmandu.


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Original Advertising and Promotional Work

Sorry we do not have any marketing images for this title, it could be true that this title was never actively advertised by its publisher or that we simply missed any posters etc that were published back in the day. If you have a poster, snippet or anything that could be classed as promotional for this title then please do send it in, please note however that we currently have a max of 3 images per titles in this section.

Original Instructions

Note: Many of these instructions have been OCRed and may not have been proofread, as a result spelling errors, broken English and grammar are likely.

No instructions for this game, if you own them and are able to type up or OCR the originals then please do.

Cheat Mode

At address 9718 poke C9
At address 953A poke 00

For infinite lives. - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

Hold down letters "TROWBRIDGE" and space simutaniously. - submitted by Extreme Gamer

Here's a few hints for this adventure classic:

1) Mucky grease gun - the mine cart
2) Plastic rain coat - stops rain from killing you
3) Acme bird seed - kills birds
4) Clover of Garlic - kills birds underground
5) Graveyard key - opens graveyard door
6) Inseciticide spray - kills spiders
7) Ghost hunters laser - kills ghosts
8) A can of 3 in 1 oil - lowers the drawbridge
9) Gardeners spade - opens ground next to cliff
10) Mushroom towel - moves the mushroom underground
11) Take a purse of gold to the hermits tree house, jump on top of his house to get a cloud with a silver lining
12) Take a broken heart to the angel
13) The sharp diamond opens the trapdoor near the crystal mountain
14) A strong crowbar opens a trapdoor at the bottom of the mountain
15) The rusty bolt cutters moves the island down the mine shaft
16) Use the torch to light the fire under the pot
17) When all the potion has been taken to the pot, get the empty bottle and drop it on top. You then have the potion. Go to Zaks and drop the potion at his feet.

Tips by Steve Wharton for Amstrad Action. - submitted by Malc (CPC Zone Staff)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 - submitted by The Devil's Phoneix

Dizzy Videos

Sorry we do not currently have any video for Dizzy if you would like to submit one please visit our forums and post your Youtube URL.

Loading Screen Comparison

Dizzy Amstrad CPC Loading Screen Amstrad CPC Version
Dizzy ZX Spectrum Loading Screen Spectrum Version

Your Comments and Memories

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You can also discuss this game on our forums.

Showing up to the last 5 posts

8/10 says

"My favourite Dizzy game. Often overlooked, but this started off what was possibly the best game franchise to hit the CPC. The graphics were nice and detailed, the music is addictive and the sound effects go well with the game. I Code Masters masterpiece."


khisanth says

"A classic arcade adventure, damn fine game. Excellent music, fun to play and some tricky puzzles to work out. Graphics are good and it has such a great atmosphere to it. Well worth playing"


Andyuk says

"Classic! Some mistakes that were corrected in later games, like not being able to continue if you break the bridge or falling into some trees makes you die until you get a game over. But they got a lot right in this game, must be why they made so many Better music than c64 and speccy versions :)"


scooby1970 says

"Dizzy sucks, end of! Never did understand why people loved these mediocre games so much! Avoid like the plague!"


Mutant_Telephone says

"Super Dooper stuff. Great soundtrack (one of the best game tunes for the CPC bar auf wierdersein monty - in my humble opinion - damn it! Now it`s in my head!) and the graphics are top notch. Loved it as a kid, love it as an adult."

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Submitting corrections : If you have spotted a mistake on this page (wrong synopsis etc) please contact us via the forums.

Removal : We will NOT make any changes to this page if:

  • You are not the owner, publisher, developer or are otherwise involved in the production this title
  • You have a product with a similar name and your website is not ranking as high in Google etc (some people are idiots)

Again, if you have no right to be asking for this page to be removed then we will simply ignore your request. If you are who you say you are then the changes or removal will be made.

Submissions : If you were involved in the making of this game, have information that we don't regarding this game (cheats, synopsis, scans) then you can submit your information on the forums and we will make the relevant changes to this page.