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Palace Software

13 bytes added, 23:20, 13 May 2010
Figuring they'd get even more column inches by taking, at that time, innovative new marketing measures, the group quickly set-up a software arm with the sole purpose of coming up with games to support their big video releases. It was a short lived plan. After the critical mauling that ''The Evil Dead'' received from critics, a re-think was had and Palace's operation was modified to create and release games that would accompany their video line, rather than emulate it.
Despite the less risque risqué subject matter of their games, Palace couldn't help but court controversy most notably with their advertisements fot eh for the Barbarian series which featured a scantily clad Maria Whittaker (former sexy busty Page 3 model with ''The Sun'' newspaper) draped over a muscular warrior (the future Wolf from ''Gladiators'' fact fans!)
In 1991, with the Palace Group waning, the software arm was sold to French software house [[Titus Software|Titus]].