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UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1,345 bytes added, 13:42, 27 February 2017
There is a disk image of CP/M software that you can download here: [TBD]
It is a copy of the N8VEM image, with the PCW uIDE driver loaded, as well as a bunch of some PCW specific COM files (on drve drive C:, User 0)and additional games.The image contains the following (where the number is the USER number - see below).  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- C: D: E: F: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 PCW SPECIFIC 0 GAMES 0 OLD UTILS 0 NEWUTILS 1 BDS_TINY_C 1 MUMATHSIMP 1 F80,M80,BASIC 1 FREE 2 APL 2 CROSSTALK 2 AZTEC_C_106D 2 Z SYSTEM 3 JANUS_ADA 1.5 3 QTERM43 3 TURBO PASCAL 3 3 MICROPRO 4 MS_COBOL 4 CLINK 4 DX-FORTH 4.01 4 MULTIPLAN 5 PILOT 5 SUPERSOFT UTL 5 PL/I 1.4 5 DBASE II 6 SYSLIB 6 RCP/M 6 ALGOL/M 6 FREE 7 BBC BASIC 7 DDTZ SOURCES 7 SUPERCALC 7 FREE 8 NEMESIS 8 ADVENTURE-80 8 ASM GAMES 8 MICROSHEL 9 GAMES 9 ZCHESS 9 MORE GAMES 9 INFOCOM ADVENTURES 10 ZORK 10 NEMESIS 10 BASIC GAMES 1 11 YET MORE GAMES 11 BASIC GAMES 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: The original N8VEM downloads are here (including manuals for many of the included programs):
Then follow the instructions above (the BASIC program) to retrieve the xdriver FID file from the IDE device. You should now be able to explore the disk image.
Please note, this image is supplied "as-is". Please ask on the PCW forum if you encounter problems with any of the software (particularly where screens are not being drawn correctly).
== CP/M Plus version requirements ==