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Converted GX4000 Software

504 bytes added, 13:38, 27 September 2016
||[[Konami's Ping-Pong]]|| 1985 || Ocean Software || No || Converted by remax<br/>Fire on Joy1 for 1 player, Fire on Joy 2 for 2 players.|| [[Media:Konami's Ping-Pong.rar |Konami's Ping-Pong.rar]]
||[[Krakout]]|| 1987 || Gremlin Graphics Software || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Start the game with Joypad 1 Button 1, or select options with Joypad 1 Button 2<br/>Joypad 1 UP and DOWN and Button 1 to select options, Use Button 2 to Return to Main Menu<br/>Don't press Joypad button 1 on " DO NOT USE! " or you will need to reload the game. this was " LOAD LEVELS " it's not needed<br/>Use Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause / Unpause<br/>Console Pause Button to Quit, Are you sure? Y = Joypad 1 Button 1, N = Joypad 1 Button 2<br/>P and L for up and down are now Q and A for PLUS Users || [[Media:Krakout.rar |Krakout.rar]]
||[[Kung Fu Master]]|| 1986 || US Gold || No || Converted by Phantomz<br/>Joypad 1 Button 1 to Pass Title Screen<br/>Press Joypad 1 Button 1 to Start, you can now select to have Kick and Punch Button Separate<br/>Button 1 = Yes ( Button 1 to Kick, Button 2 to Punch )<br/>Button 2 = No ( Button 1 to Kick/Punch, Button 2 Swops )<br/>Console Pause Button to Quit the game|| [[Media:Kung_Fu_Master.rar |Kung Fu Master.rar]]