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359 bytes removed, 06:47, 12 March 2015
/* Components */
VGA display component use same parameters than unix '''modeline''' command
A component is dedicated to interrupt generation, perhaps I did forgot the "do delay interrupt" instruction coming with the ROM/RAM bank selection I/O command. I have to check that (is it the "Ecole Buissonniere" and "Moktar" bug origine ? => ''suspect code "old_delay_feature:=D(4); -- It only applies once ????" founded in simple_GateArrayInterrupt.vhd'')
Big components as SPI on BOOTLOAD use state-machine led debug : an integer contain the state of state machine, and this integer is displayed on 8 leds so you know where you are, it's for that I add several crash state in order to understand why and where component crash. In MiST-board, this is displayed on the five 7-segment I added in OSD, I add also a input in order to select one or another state machine.