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PCN September 29 1984

49 bytes removed, 04:13, 2 November 2014
Here is a very short but useful routine which would be of interest for Amstrad CPC 464 owners.When writing a program using one screen which was quite complicated, I came up with this routine which allows instant dumping of the screen to memory and virtually instantaneous retrieval at a later stage.It takes only 24 bytes of machine code and a few lines of Basic.It stems from the facility which allows you to save the screen on tape:SAVE "filename." B. &C000, &4000 <br /> <br />
The machine code routine is as follows:
<br /pre>DUMP:<br /> LD BC,&4000 <br /> LD HL,&C000 <br /> LD DE,&6B7A <br />LDIRRETRETRIEVE: <br />LD BC,&4000 <br /> LD HL,&6B7A <br /> LD DE,&C000 <br /> LDIR <br /> RET <br /pre>