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Speccy Port

105 bytes added, 12:34, 1 October 2012
/* Colour Clash */
Examples of colour clash ported to the CPC:
(These examples show colour clash implemented on the CPC in the same way as the spectrum would show it)
* Bionic Commando
NOTE: The 6 raster interrupts on the CPC can be used to change the palette. However, while the screen displays 6 colours, the actual games window is still monocolour (2 colours... generally Black+one other ink...) or "almost monocolour (only background being monocolour and sprites having 3 inks... or some inks different from background's tiles...) typical examples are Strider (monocolour tiles and 3 inked sprrites), SuperWonderboy (Monocolour Background and monocolour sprites yet differently inked), PacMania or Black Tiger (monocolour game's window/playfield yet multicoloured HUD...) and so on (see later in this page for more examples).