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96 bytes removed, 19:31, 17 December 2011
/* Tests done */
Several bugs could disappear in TV mode... but TV mode will not be developed (I am trying to solve theses problem for VGA)
*'''prince.dsk gryzor.dsk donkey.dsk antiriad ''' : bug due to rupture mode (changing mode several time during display of one image)
*'''buggyboy.dsk barbarian.dsk''' : bug due to rupture ink (changing ink several time during display of one image)
*'''moktar.dsk prehistorik.dsk''' : lag (key press lag)
Arkanoid.dsk stars use rupture address (changing address several time during display of one image), it is now supported on "candidate 001" version of FPGAmstrad
Gryzor and Prince of Percia use rupture ink/mode (changing ink and mode during display of one image), it is now supported on "candidate 002" version of FPGAmstrad
Crazycar2.dsk first car image use 32Ko of VRAM, it is now supported on "candidate 001" version of FPGAmstrad