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246 bytes removed, 14:25, 11 September 2006
G-MSK - Graphical Mode 0 to Sprite Converter
1. Introduction
Version: 0.39 alpha
This FutureOS program allows to convert a part of a Mode 0 Screen
2. Control of GMSK
After launching the program, you can use both joysticks, the CPC-keyboard
(cursor keys and copy) or some mice (c'est le souris). No lightpen support!
3. How to use the GMSK
- Insert Disc named "GMSK.dsk" to Drive A.
- Start FutureOS throug RSX-command !OS.
4. Supported functions in GMSK
Menue File:
- Load Pict. (see 5. Supported graphic formats).
- Save Pict.
Menue Process:
- Clear (clears loaded Picture and ASIC-Sprite-RAM)
Menue Options:
- Colour (but only for PENs, not for Sprites until now).
- Language (english, german, french, and others if YOU translate!).
Sprite Format:
- M0 -> 2(X)*8(Y) (sets 2 Sprites in X and 8 Sprites in Y)
- M0 -> 3(X)*5(Y)
- Pic. -> Sprite (the real function of the program).
- Show picture
- Help
- Menue
5. supported graphic formats
- native 17 KB CPC screens (from SAVE"PIC",b,&C000,&4000).
- 16 KB screens (16 KB pure graphic data, without file-header).
- OCP-Screens (uncrunched and crunched) with PALette file.
* If you load an OCP-Art-Studio Screen, GMSK looks automatically for a
.PAL file. If a .PAL file is present the PENs and Sprite-Colors are set.