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69 bytes added, 15:26, 20 July 2011
== Tests done =='''Several bugs could disappear in TV mode... but TV mode is not implemented yet.'''
princeSeveral bugs could disappear in TV mode.dsk gryzor.dsk donkey.dsk : critical bug : always writing on memory, certainly performance, have to test it on but TV mode to know if this problem came from my ramb16_s16_s16 use manneris not implemented yet.
*'''prince.dsk gryzor.dsk donkey.dsk''' : critical bug : always writing on memory, certainly performance, have to test it on TV mode to know if this problem came from my ramb16_s16_s16 use manner. *'''buggyboy.dsk barbarian.dsk ''' : some raster bug can be fight with anti-raster switch (last switch is anti-raster, stopping ink rotate...)*'''longshot.dsk''' : VSYNC alternate cut bug, it's so warrior dam *'''crazycar2.dsk''' : simple overscan is not fully displayed : it is due to my VGA module using ramb16_s16_s16 component, that is too small for this operation.
longshot : VSYNC alternate cut bugA lot of demos don't pass, itin fact I didn's so warrior t find one that pass dam.
crazycar2.Others bugs are about dsk : simple overscan is not fully displayed : it is due to my VGA module using ramb16_s16_s16 componentformat, that in fact a dsk is too small for this operation.uncompressed into RAM at startup, so all dsk access are direct :
a lot of demos don't pass, in fact I didn't find one that pass dam. '''Others bugs are about dsk format, in fact a dsk is uncompressed into RAM at startup, so all dsk access are direct :''' - *ucpm format  : normally it run, but in fact... it don't - *protected format  : all format with sector size changed, and then no standards don't pass - *double side format  : you can change disk and then reboot to insert it, so it's not done for changing disk while you are playing - *save  : save is done in RAM, so when you turn off or reset Amstrad, all change is lost. It's done for let's games saving score running correctly