
Robocop 2 (cartridge)

536 bytes added, 08:30, 17 May 2011
/* Implementation details and use of Plus hardware */
* Plus sprites are used for Robocop 2 logo and the 'O' of 'Orion' on the title screen, any many sprites in game including Robocop, spikes, saws in game.
* Plus screen split is used for the panel at the bottom.
* Plus pixel by pixel soft hardware scroll is used. The left column is also masked by the border.* CRTC values are: R0 = 63, R1 = 40, R2 = 45, R3 = 14, R4 = 38, R5 = 0, R6 = 29, R7 = 33R0,R1,R4, R5 are normal values. R2 is one less shifting the picture one char to the left, possibly to compensate for the left column being masked.R3 defines a horizontal sync width of 14 and a vertical sync width of 16. Normally the vertical sync width is 8.R6 defines a screen 4 chars taller than the normal system values. R7 moves the screen up by 3 chars probably to centralise the picture in the display.
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