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Tennis Cup 2 (cartridge)

267 bytes removed, 12:56, 1 February 2010
/* Analog Joystick */
This games is pehaps the only one on Amstrad GX4000/Plus range to enable the use of an [[Analog Joysticks| Analog Joystick]], for the 2nd player.
25b2 010ef4 ld bc,0f40eh25b5 ed49 out (c),c25b7 06f6 ld b,0f6h25b9 ed78 in a,(c)25bb e630 and 30h25bd 4f ld c,a25be f6c0 or 0c0h25c0 ed79 out (c),a25c2 ed49 out (c),c25c4 04 inc b25c5 3e92 ld a,92h25c7 ed79 out (c),a25c9 c5 push bc25ca cbf1 set 6,c 25cc 3e09 ld a,09h25ce b1 or c25cf 06f6 ld b,0f6h25d1 ed79 out (c),a25d3 06f4 ld b,0f4h
25d5 ed78 in a,(c)
25d7 2f cpl