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19 bytes added, 22:49, 13 October 2018
/* The many HUDs */ typos
==The many HUDs==
A HUD can be Vertical, Horizontal or Diagonal, or include some kind of [[Graphical User Interface|GUI]].
It can be Simple or Double.
With double HUD the Game's window is then often "sandwiched" by 2 HUD.
The HUD is sometimes an excuse to display more colours than theorically theoretically possible in Native Mode, by mean of [[Rasters]].
This technic theorically theoretically cannot be used with a vertical HUD...yet if your game's window is monocolour, you can cheat on this (PacMania...)
Notable [[Speccy Port|Speccy Ports]] do this. Ironically, in those (often) scrappy Speccy Ports the screen then display 5 or even more colours in Mode1... Yet the game's windows may remains monocolour (PacMania and Black Tiger...)
Also some Games Producers sometimes displayed the HUD in another Graphic Mode, this allows to display a good 16 colours in the Game's window while the HUD use the highest resolution of Mode 1 to ease the display of informations.
And split screened HUD are easier when horizontal (as for raster extra colours).
A frame for exemple example is often choosen chosen when the game has no scrollings, yet not always. Programming evolved a lot in this field and Shadow of the beast display a huge graphically heavy Frame (wich which is in fact a waste of tiles...).
The Frame may also be used to hide the non-smooth scrolling...
[[Category:Graphic]][[Category:Programming]][[Category:Games| *]][[Category:Games Programming]][[Category:Stub]]