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16 bytes added, 28 March
/* The 8255 in the CPC */
In the CPC+Group Mode 1 (Strobed Input/Output) and Group Mode 2 (Bi-Directional Bus), the 8255 is integrated into the ASIC. The "emulation" is as far as I know, are not complete and some functionality is not availableused by any program. Please see the [https:Group Mode 0 (Basic Input// Extra CPC+ documentation] for more informationOutput) is always used.
* Mode 1 (Strobed Input/Output) and Mode 2 (Bi-Directional Bus)In the CPC+, as far as I know, are the 8255 is integrated into the ASIC. The "emulation" is not used by any program, Mode 0 (Basic Input/Output) complete and some functionality is always usednot available. Please see the [ Extra CPC+ documentation] for more information.
== Port Usage ==