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1,371 bytes added, 14:23, 1 November 2023
/* Language - Hotkey: l or L - Select your language for Tasks */
Any Task can read which language was selected. But Caruh itself will not change its language texts, because this would waste too much main memory. Caruh can be obtained in any (of the above) languages. See downloads.
== II.4. Submenu Tasks ==
=== '''S'''tart Task - Hotkey: s or S - To load and Start a Task ===
See 'Load '''T'''ask' above
=== '''E'''nd Task - Hotkey: s or S - To end and delete a Task ===
See 'C'''l'''ear' above
=== '''P'''riority - Hotkey: s or S - Set the Priority of a Task 1-255 ===
This function can set the priority of any Task. 1 is the highest and 255 is the slowest. Basically this number tells how big the waiting time is 1/300 seconds
=== Switch '''t'''o - Hotkey: t or T - Switch a Task to Foreground ===
See 'G'''o''' To' above
== II.5. Submenu Help ==
=== '''H'''elp - Hotkey: h or H - Show a help screen ===
Just a little help screen.
=== '''I'''nfo - Hotkey: i or I - Shows version number of Caruh (meanwhile) ===
See ''''V'''ersion' above
=== '''N'''ews - Hotkey: n or N - Shows version number of Caruh (meanwhile) ===
See ''''V'''ersion' above
=== '''M'''enu - Hotkey: m or M - Shows help about the used surface ===
Some little help how to use the interface of Caruh. It's based on CBM framework
=== -$'''$'''$- - Hotkey: $ or 4 - Tells how to spend money for this project ===
Nobody ever did spend a Nickle for my work, so I'm not going into this here ;-)
=== .w'''w'''w. - Hotkey: w or W - Tells where to find you in the internet ===
Here is your gateway the the [ FutuerOS homepage] which does support Caruh too :-)