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Converted GX4000 Software

7 bytes removed, 17:53, 15 October 2023
/* D */
||[[Death Or Glory]]||1987||CRL Group||No||No||Converted by iXien||[[Media:Death Or Glory.rar|Death Or Glory.rar]]
||[[Death Stalker]]||1988||Codemasters||No||No||Converted by Phantomz<br /> Trainer : J1B1 = Cheat, J1B2 = Normal Game. <br/>Game : J2B1 = Turn Music On/Off, J2B2 = Pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit Game 2 .<br/>Two versions included : one using UP on the D-pad for available to go up, the other using J1UP or J1B2 to do sodepending on the version chosen.||[[Media:Death Stalker.rar|Death Stalker.rar]]
||[[Death Wish 3]] <sup>(a)</sup>|| 1987 || Gremlin Graphics ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2 = Enter Doors/Look out of Windows/Return to Room, J1B2 = Change Weapon<br/>J2B2 = Change Map (Blue=Weapon, Yellow=Gang Leader), Pause button = Pause<br/>J1B2+Pause button = Quit game|| [[Media:Death Wish 3.rar | Death Wish 3.rar]]