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Speccy Port

313 bytes added, 13:18, 2 September 2020
/* Amstrad interrupt positions */
[[File:Interrupt_positions_spectrum_sized_screen.png|Screenshot of Amstrad interrupt positions showing where mode and colours can be changed quickly relative to pixel graphics. R1=32, R2=42, R6=24,R7=30]]
This image demonstrates that if you wish to use mode 1, and change palette colours for HUD and game area, then the graphics need to be arranged or re-sized so that the colour change positions are most optimal. For some games, the dimensions of the HUD or play area may not allow the palette to be changed easily.
[[Category: Games| ]][[Category:Programming]][[Category:Games Programming]][[Category:CrossDev]][[Category:CPC History]][[Category:Non CPC Computers]]