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/* The ROM managers */
==The ROM managers==
* The most comprehensive utility for the management of the ROMs is are [[ROMAN]] and the [[MegaFlashROManager]]. It also enables A "booster" is included in both of these, enabling the usage initialization of the ROMs 16-31. * The card comes with a built in ROM manager too, which provides all needed features. To help you using the additional features of FlashGordon, we provide one background ROM in slot 15. The main job of this ROM is to initialize ROMs from 31 to 16 (in this order, to match what the firmware does) so you can use them as background ROMs as well. It also provides some RSXs to use the write mode. Let's have a look at these commands and the way to use them. All of these commands will erase memory from &1800 to &6000 and the screen. Make sure any important work is saved before calling them. :|BURN - replace a ROM slot. Use this command to put data in one of the available slots.:|BURN,"filename",n . The file is loaded, then programmed into ROM slot n. It will be available at next boot.:|HIDE . Hide one or all of the ROMs.:|HIDE,n Each ROM allocates some RAM for its own use. When there are a lot of them, this is likely to increase boot time. The ROMs also take some time to initialize so you have to wait for your CPC to power up. To avoid these problems, you can use the HIDE command to make some ROMs unavailable to not scanned by the firmware. Use the SHOW command to get them back. If you call HIDE with no parameters, all the ROMs are hidden and your CPC boots like if there was no expansion plugged in. Remember thatr ROM 15 is the ROM manager itself. If you disable it, you'll need to use the rescue disk to enable it again.:|SHOW Undo the effect of HIDE:|SHOW,n Make a hidden ROM visible again.
==The rescue disk==