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Speccy Port

186 bytes added, 13:04, 19 January 2020
/* Storage */
Tiles are often used to define background graphics. These are opaque and don't need masks. The benefit here is that on CPC we can use all the colours in the palette, so for mode 1, all 4 colours can be used and in mode 0 all 16 colours can be used.
However on CPC they generally non-transparent graphics will often take more storage space:
For the spectrum a 8x16 tile: (8/8)x16 = 16 bytes.
CPC mode 2: (8/8)x16 = 16 bytes
In mode 0 and mode 1, the tiles on the CPC will take twice as much space compared to the Spectrum. This will impact the memory usedand depending on the number of tiles this is a significant memory impact.
=====Real-Time Conversion of Spectrum graphics=====