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22 bytes removed, 22:36, 4 August 2018
/* On MiST-board CoreAmstrad version */
*'''30YMD.dsk''': in Benediction demo, at bottom some time you see some ghosts of central animation (too many HSync per screen ?), solved in r005.8.16 (CRTC0 seems perfectly implemented). 30YMD seems CRTC0, running fine except that changing disk feature does still fail (inserted/not inserted/inserted signal ?)
*'''arkanoid2.dsk''': don't run in r005.8.13, but fine in r005.8.13e (experimental fork), ok in r005.8.14 (using default OSD value : MEM_WR=quick)
*'''trailblazer.dsk''': no more "raster" problem since r005.5, it's now perfect ! Palette heuristic offset (done for unlocking Batman Forever Demo) has a small effect in left (squares are not separated by a black line in first column) - same small defect in TV mode using r005.8.14.2... Thinking about a HSYNC offset of 2 (instead of 1 currently) then also delaying DATA+HDISP of 1 (char). Has defect on bottom scroll text bar r005.8.16.2, is fine in r005.8.15.2, fine also on Sorgelig fork... also unlocked by Sorgelig in r005.8.16.3 !
*'''imperial_mahjong.dsk''': modern EXA/EXA2 resolution not passing my color pallet heuristic :p - does pass on Sorgelig fork.
*'''rtypeee.dsk''': at begin of presentation, a draw of "jack plug" is done in a strange video mode, more than 200 pixels of height !, see [ flipping lace]
*'''phX.dsk''': does begin to pass on r005.8.16. Does pass completly on Sorgelig fork (scandoubler)
*'''Ghouls'n'Ghost.dsk''': does fail on r005.8.16.2 : time going to zero in 3 seconds, is fine in r005.8.15.2, fine also on Sorgelig fork... also unlocked by Sorgelig in r005.8.16.3 !
*'''TrailBlazer.dsk''': has defect on bottom scroll text bar r005.8.16.2, is fine in r005.8.15.2, fine also on Sorgelig fork... also unlocked by Sorgelig in r005.8.16.3 !
'''Arkanoid.dsk''' stars use rupture address (changing address several time during display of one image), it is now supported on "candidate 001" version of FPGAmstrad. Run better in r005.9.11e than in r005.9.11.