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8 bytes added, 23:18, 9 January 2018
/* Internal FPGA RAM (VRAM) */
attribute clock_signal of key_reset : signal is "NO";
And tadam, less than half of hour to compile now ! and on a determinist way.
=== Internal FPGA RAM (VRAM) config ===
The internal dual RAM (written at 4MHz by Z80 and readden at 25MHz by VGA) are configured as "WRITE FIRST", "READ DOESN'T CARE".
aZRaEL_vram2vgaAmstradMiaow.vhd (the VRAM to VGA output part) has several manual counter offset calibrations, called "bug_*", it seems this component does not know counting right when reaching 25MHz (in fact it is, "mod" instruction does suffer a lot by here)
=== palette_D and aZRaEL's counters derailment ===
Compiler does detect when somes wires of a bus are not used, and when this bus is scanned by several counter derailing it results some data missing (this pixels normaly come from this offset, but is finaly calibred at this offset, so I plug it here and compiler does not thrust me, saying it's plug to an unused wire so does compile all that to GND... black screen)