Defend Yet again the Earth is under attack from the Alien hordes, and as always the fate of humanity is in your hands. This time the aggressors are out to capture humanoids for their debauched cloning experiments, and the ever cooperative humans have gathered on the (randomly generated) hillsides to watch the action. So it's all down to you. You must shoot down the Alien craft with your powerful laser before it can lay its hands on the populace. Failing that, you have a chance of shooting it down once it has the human in tow, but be warned: if the Alien craft is too high, the humanoid loses its life and you lose points. And never forget — Aliens invariably bite back! 10 REM DEFEND. 20 REM El PAUL STANLEY. 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1 40 GOSUB 1360 50 HL= 10:LI=2 60 HS=0 70 GOSUB 1200 80 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0 0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 90 GOSUB 1110:GOSUB 840 100 GOSUB 1080:SOUND 1,120,3 110 LOCATE 9,22:PRINT CHR$(18);:LOCATE 9 ,22:PEN 3:PRINT"FUEL:";:PEN 1:PRINT LEFT $(C$00—HL);:PEN 3:LOCATE 14,1:PRINT CHR $(24);"HI:";CHR$(24);:PEN 1:PRINT HS;:PE N 3:LOCATE 16,Y+1:PRINT B$;:PEN 1 120 PLOT 272,48,3:DRAWR 160,0,3:DRAWR 0, 14,3:DRAWR —160,0,3:DRAWR 0,-14,3:IF LI= 2 THEN LOCATE 2,22:PRINT CHR$(233);CHR$( 234); 130 PEN 2:LOCATE A+1,B+1:PRINT CHR$(232 );:LOCATE A+1,B+2:PRINT A$;:PEN 1 140 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT CHR$(24);"CAPTURES: ";CHR$(24);:PEN 3:PRINT CAP;:PEN 2:LOCAT E 22,1:PRINT CHR$(24);"SCORE:";CHR$(24); :PEN 1:PRINT SC;