98 Ambush 500 N=1+INT(RND*P(K,4)) 510 NX=N-P(K,3) 520 PLOT P(K,1)*2+64,P(K,2)*2+48,1 530 DRAWR NX*2,-P(K,5)*2,1 540 FOR X=45 TO 50:SOUND 1,X,2:NEXT 550 PLOT P(K,1)*2+64,P(K,2)*2+48,0 560 DRAWR NX*2,-P(K,5)*2,0 570 IF MN=0 THEN RETURN 580 IF P(K,I)+NX>78 AND P(K,1)+NX<86 THE N LOCATE 11,14:PRINT Q$(1);:LOCATE 11,15 :PRINT 0$(2);:LOCATE II,16:PRINT Q$(3);: LOCATE 10,16:PRINT P$;:GOTO 840 590 RETURN 600 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT CHR$(24);" AMBUSH ";CHR$(24 610 LOCATE 1,5:PEN 2:PRINT"You have been ambushed by gunmen in a forest-The on ly safe place is a low wallbehind which you take cover.":PEN 1 620 PRINT:PRINT"You must try to shoot al I gunmen by aiming over the top of t he wall-But the snipers are quite good s hots!!" 630 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT"Use cursor keys to stand UP or crouch DOWN and to change direction of your aim LEFT or RIGHT. Use SPACEBAR to fire":PEN I 640 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" How lon g can you survive?...." 650 W$=STR1NG$(32,242) 660 T$(1)=CHR$(231)+CHR$(232)+CHR$(233): T$(2)=CHR$(234)+CHR$(235)+CHR$(236):T$(3 )=CHR$(237)+CHR$(238)+CHR$(239) 670 S$(1)=CHR$(237)+CHR$(238):S$(2)=CHR$ (240)+CHR$(241) 680 Q$(1)=" ":Q$(2)=CHR$(242):0$(3)=CHR$ (243):P$=CHR$(244)+CHR$(245) 690 R$(1)=CHR$(246):R$(2)=CHR$(247):R$(3 700 LOCATE 6,24:PRINT CHR$(24);"PRESS AN Y KEY TO FIND OUT!!!";CHR$(24) 710 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 710 720 IF INKEY$="" THEN 720 ELSE CLS