174 Defend 1210 LOCATE 1,4 1220 PEN 2:PRINT"A fleet of aliens has m anaged to get past defensive lines on Earth. One by one they fly in with the sole intent of picking up Hu manoids which have climbed to the top of the hills to see what is happening." :PEN 1 1230 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"Your job is to pr event the fleet from capturing the Hum anoids. You have a powerf ul laser with which to shoot down the al iens":PEN 1 1240 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT CHR$( 24);" UP ARROW...UP DOWN ARROW...D OWN ";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 1250 PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(24);"SPACEBAR..CH ANGE DIRECTION FIRE...COPY";CHR$(24);: PEN 1 1260 LOCATE 8,23:PRINT CHR$(24);"PRESS A NY KEY TO CONTINUE.";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 1270 IF INKEYS<>"" THEN 1270 1280 IF INKEYS=""THEN 1280 ELSE CLS 1290 PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(24);" DEFEND ";CHR$(24);:P EN 1 1300 PEN 2:LOCATE 1,5:PRINT"You have bee n defeated when 3 humanoids have been ca ptured. It is alrigh t to shoot at an alien whichis clutching a Humanoid as long as he does not fal I too far (IF HE DOES YOU FORFEIT 50 P OINTS.)":PEN 1 1310 PRINT: PRINT:PRINT"Don't underestim ate your enemy invader, he may have a tr ick up his sleeve Every so often t he computer will take you to a new location at the expenseof some of your fuel which,if zero, willend the game." 1320 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT CHR$(24);" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ;CHR$(24);:PEN 1 1330 IF INKEYS<>"" THEN 1330 1340 IF INKEYS=""THEN 1340 ELSE CLS