120 Evolution 2 990 Y=Q:X=24:DY=Q:DX=-Q:RETURN 1000 Y=10:X=31:DY=0:DX=-Q:RETURN 1010 Y=21:X=26:DY=-Q:DX=-Q:RETURN 1020 Y=21:X=15:DY=-0:DX=0:RETURN 1030 Y=21:X=4:DY=-Q:DX=Q:RETURN 1040 Y=10:X=0:DY=0:DX=O:RETURN 1050 DY2=-1:DX2=0:RETURN 1060 DY2=-1:DX2=1:RETURN 1070 DY2=0:DX2=1:RETURN 1090 DY2=1:DX2=1:RETURN 1090 DY2=1:DX2=0:RETURN 1100 DY2=1:DX2=-1:RETURN 1110 DY2=0:DX2=-1:RETURN 1120 DY2=-1:DX2=-1:RETURN 1130 LOCATE G+1,F+1:PRINT" ";:LOCATE X+1 ,Y+1:PRINT CHR$(248);:FOR FF=1 TO 20:SOU ND 1,75,I:NEXT:LOCATE X+1,Y+1:PRINT MID$ (A$,A,1);:K=K+1:LOCATE K+8,1:PRINT" "; 1140 IF K=3 THEN 1190 1150 S=0 1160 GOTO 920 1170 CLS:PRINT"Well done! Defending your cave was not easy, but you did very w ell and you can evolve further if you wi sh to." ileo GOTO 1200 1190 CLS:PRINT"Bad luck! You failed in y our attempt to defend your cave." 1200 PEN 2: PRINT:PRINT:PRINT CHR$(24);" Press the key which corresponds to what you want to do next. ";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 1210 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"1...Start the gor illa stage.":PEN 1:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"2.. .Start the caveman stage.":PEN 2:PRINT:P RINT:PRINT"3...Load the 6th stage.":PEN 1:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"4...Exit from the pr ogram." 1220 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 1220 1230 X$=INKEY$:IF X$="" THEN 1230 1240 IF X$="1" THEN CLS:GOTO 270 1250 IF X$="2" THEN CLS:GOTO 610 1260 IF X$="3" THEN LOAD "" 1270 IF X$="4" THEN STOP