204 Scuba 910 IF Y(K)<5 THEN Y(K)=5 920 IF Y(K)>17 THEN Y(K)=17 930 IF RND>0.92 THEN D(K)=INT(RND*3-1) 940 IF X(K)<0 THEN X(K)=31 950 IF X(K)>31 THEN X(K)=0 960 LOCATE X(K)+1,Y(K)+1:PRINT T$(K); 970 NEXT K:GOTO 1010 980 REM SWIMMER/SHARK 990 LOCATE 1,5:PEN 3:PRINT"EATEN BY SHAR K!":PEN 1 1000 GOTO 1090 1010 REM 1020 LOCATE 1,23:PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(24);"F ISH CAUGHT=";P;CHR$(24):PEN 1:IF T=1 THE N 200 1070 LOCATE 17,23:PRINT CHR$(24);"AIR LE FT=";AIR;CHR$(24); 1040 IF AIR<=0 THEN 1060 1050 GOTO 200 1060 REM 1070 LOCATE 1,6:PRINT P;"FISH CAUGHT FOR SUPPER" 1080 LOCATE 4,10:PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(24);"R AN OUT OF AIR...";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 1090 FOR ZZ=1 TO 2000:NEXT: LOCATE 3,12: PRINT CHR$(24);"PRESS ANY KEY FOR ANOTHE R GAME";CHR$(24); 1100 IF INKEYS<>"" THEN 1100 1110 IF INKEYS="" THEN 1110 1120 RUN 1130 STOP 1140 REM INSTRUCTIONS 1150 PEN 1:PRINT TAB(17);CHR$(24);"S C U B A";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 1160 PRINT:PRINT "You are a scuba diver on a raft about toswim off and catch fis h for supper. Use the cursor keys to swi m left or right and to the surface or sea bed." 1170 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT"You are armed wi th a hand spear and you simply need to s wim on top of a fish tocatch it. But b eware of the sharks!... They are usually harmless but can suddenly open th eir mouths to eat you!!!":PEN 1