268 Moonlander 440 FOR X=1 TO 10:SOUND 2,(X*3),3:NEXT 450 GOTO 400 460 REM 470 PRINT" MOON LANDER 480 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"This is a re al-time moon lander game in which you mu st land the lunar module on the small pu rple land pad. You must lan d in the correct place at a rate of de scent not faster than -5. 490 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"Use the arrow keys to move left right Use the UP arrow k ey to turn the motor off and the down a rrow key to turn it on" 500 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" PRESS ANY K EY TO START 510 IF INKEYS="THEN 510 520 CLS 530 RETURN 540 H=2000:V=-20:M=1378:M1=M:T=4800:F1=2 :F=378:E=1:C0L=15:Y=8 550 SYMBOL AFTER 230 560 SYMBOL 231,60,126,219,255,255,126,18 9,129 570 SYMBOL 232,24,60,60,60,24,24,0 580 SYMBOL 233,0,0,0,0,24,60,126,255 590 RETURN