Newmarket 271 520 NEXT J 530 NEXT I 540 IF CRASH=1 THEN 370 550 FOR I=1 TO 7 560 LOCATE INT (A(I)),INT (B(I)):PRINT" ". 9 570 IF I=N THEN PEN 3 580 LOCATE INT(X(I)),INT(Y(I)):IF X(I)-I NT(X(I))>0.5 THEN PRINT HAS;:ELSE PRINT H$; 590 PEN 1 600 IF X(I)>=38 THEN 900 610 A(I)=X(I) 620 B(I)=Y(I) 630 NEXT 640 GOTO 200 650 REM ******* INSTRUCTIONS ******** 660 CLS:LOCATE 15,1:PRINT"NEWMARKET" 670 HS=CHR$(244)+CHR$(245)+CHR$(246):HAS =CHR$(241)+CHR$(242)+CHR$(243) 680 LOCATE 1,3:PRINT"In this horse-rac e game you ride anyhorse from 1 to 7 690 LOCATE 1,6:PRINT"You must steer a pa th avoiding the otherhorses since any horse in a collisionwith another will b e blocked and forced sideways and backwa rds." 700 LOCATE 1,11:PRINT"'Easy', you might say BUT your horse is a very s-l-o-w starterand will only r un at speed after thescreen border turn s RED." 710 LOCATE 1,15:PRINT"This occurs when y ou have ridden a thirdof the way down the track, so you willalways have other horses in front of you" 720 LOCATE 1,18:PRINT"To make it hard er still, all horseswithin 20 feet o f you will attempt to block your path or crash into you !!" 730 LOCATE 1,21:PRINT"Use CURSOR ARROWS to move up and down. BEWARE:any course alteration will also reduce your speed! GOOD LUCK!!!! "