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WIFI compatibility between the M4 & Symbiface 3 using Telnet as an example

Started by SOS, 08:39, 12 February 19

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I would like to introduce my last project today.

My goal has been whether WIFI compatibility between the M4 board and the Symbiface 3 is possible or not.
Since this is not possible on a direct hardware level, I choose the same approach as done by the DOS's.
For this I have taken the M4 Telnet source code from Duke and all M4-specific code pieces
moved to separate RSX ($ 91- $ 97):
      jp       M4_CMD_SOCKET            ; IN ---     OUT: Return data[0] = socket number or 0xFF (error). Only TCP protocol for now.
      jp      M4_CMD_CONNECT            ; IN A=Socket, DE=Pointer to IP-Addr      Z-Flag indicates Error
      jp      M4_GET_SOCKET_STATE         ; IN A= Socket,   OUT   (0 ==IDLE (OK), 1 == connect in progress, 2 == send in progress)                DE=Data   (from IX+2 / IX+3)   
      jp      M4_CMD_NET_RECEIVE_DATA      ; IN A= Socket, DE=Size IX=Pointer to Data   OUT   A=Buffer State, BC=Size, Filled (DE)-Memory
      jp      M4_CMD_NET_LOOKUP_IP      ; IN DE=Adress of IP-Adress, IX=Adress of the Host-String         OUT=Filled (BC) with IP-Adress
      jp      M4_CMD_NET_SEND_CUSTOM_DATA   ; IN A= Socket-Number, DE=Size to send, IX=Pointer to Memory (what to send)       OUT: Z indicates Error
      jp      M4_CMD_CLOSE_CONNECTION      ; IN A= Socket

I did the same for the Symbiface 3. The RSX-Commands are identical for the Telnet-Application:
Same IN/OUT Registers needed, same behaviour as M4-RSX.

And I have to say, it works  :)

Now i have 3 files:
- The program "Telnet Client", which runs on both boards without change.

- The driver (RSX) for the Symbiface 3, as a ROM file.  (ROM-Number does not matter, you can choose any "normal" number)
[attach=3,msg170421]   (it's a ROM, dont be irritated by the suffix)

- The driver (RSX) for the M4 board, as BIN, compiled to address $ A000.
  A separate ROM file is not possible for performance reasons  but maybe Duke pushes the RSX into his M4-ROM ;-)

I deposited the source code on:

(I will delete the old versions on GitHub soon)

Added 12.02.19: First Version
Added 03.04.19: Bugfix DNS-Lookup & SF3-Version changed, due to last firmware

GUNHED --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Hi this is great SOS, I'm just trying this now on my M4 but I don't seem to be able to connect.
I've uploaded your new version on Amstrad BBS but at the telnet prompt when I type:
"I just get an error "Resolving:, failed!"
Yet I can connect on my Amstrad PPC640 etc ok. Am I missing something or done something wrong? I didn't add the S3.bin rom as I don't use Symbiface3...
Thanks for any help :)
Amstrad BBS -

Amstrad Hardware & Software:


Quote from: simulant on 18:15, 28 March 19
"I just get an error "Resolving:, failed!"
Corrected, please check the new version.


Hi all,
sorry for the dumb questions but i am new to this RSX business.
I have copied tn.bas and m4ram.bin to the m4, and running tn.bas does not seem to load m4ram.bin itself.  What am i supposed to do to get the telnet running?



Quote from: shifters74 on 18:02, 23 April 19
I have copied tn.bas and m4ram.bin to the m4, and running tn.bas does not seem to load m4ram.bin itself.  What am i supposed to do to get the telnet running?
the M4 ROM is successful detected?|SD works?
You do not have installed the "SF3-RSX.BIN"?!
How does it look "tn.bas does not seem to load m4ram.bin"?
What makes tn.bas, do you see "CPC telnet client v1.0.2 beta / Duke 2018"?


i have all three files in the root of my SD card in the M4 (this is on a CPC6128 no other mods etc)

CAT shows they are present.  I enter RUN"tn  and the program loads and runs but says RSX NOT FOUND, EXIT TO BASIC three times before asking me for the IP.

Yes when running tn.bas it shows "CPC telnet client v1.0.2 beta / Duke 2018" before printing RSX NOT FOUND, EXIT TO BASIC 3 times in a row.
thanks for the response



The M4 works as expected? |SD works?
What shows |VERSION ?


yes |SD works (lol i just went and typed | but got { oops typing on PC not amstrad lol )
Version of M4 is 2.05 B12
Do i have to install the .bin files as roms or something?


Quote from: shifters74 on 19:01, 27 April 19
Version of M4 is 2.05 B12
Do i have to install the .bin files as roms or something?

Fwiw. I just downloaded the latest files.
Made a folder in the root of my microSD card.
Dragged the 3 files over via the M4 web interface.

And telnet works fine.

(tried both with and without modified lowerrom).

I suggest drag the files over again, incase some kind of corruption happened (all 3 files in same folder).


Hi Duke,
i tried that and got the same error.  :o
I then removed the romconfig.bin and romslots.bin and created clean ones and suddenly it worked!!  ;D
I then added my roms back in one by one to work out what the issue was - it appeared that 2 of my program tool roms were the cause.  Once i removed those then it all seemed to work fine!!
cheers for the help

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