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sprites alives compiler

Started by jbaudrand, 12:26, 19 November 11

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Hello, I am trying to learn to use sprites alive and I'm still try to figure out how the compiler works, it's the version 2,0 and it ask me "object file name" and I don't have any object file. and everytime the compiler crash (even with the demo)


 :-[  oups.. I just found the compiler manual on cpc power... silly me...


Quote from: jbaudrand on 17:26, 19 November 11
:-[  oups.. I just found the compiler manual on cpc power... silly me...

Trust me, you are not the only one who did not initially notice that all-important sidebar at CPC-Power.  :)


Cool, more games like Space Froggy or just anything using Sprites Alive would be good!  :)  I've only checked out the early Sprites Alive which uses RSXes to brighten up BASIC programs, though the Sprites Alive Compiler completely rewrites programs in another language doesn't it (like Space Froggy I think is written in something else). Good to see more available manuals for the different versions if that's the case!  :)
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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:/ Ok I read the manual sunday: it need a complete rewritting of the program, for example, you must remove all line number to goto gosub etc.. and insead add labels (like .swamp  .bridge) before any part f your program, more frustating the number of variable: 26 of two bytes.... Maybe I need ti refresh my english, I think I made a confusion, when the manual say bytes, is it for the name or the lengh?

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