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simple ay playback example: pb on winape

Started by trabitboy, 15:52, 12 April 16

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I could get this example to work on wincpc,
but not on latest winape ( after fixing all the hex values of course ) :

I was wondering if there was a simple playback example working on last winape?
I've been searching quite a lot already.


hi there,

i replaced ALL xxxxh with the winape form &xxxx and it played the music at winape.

;; Midi2ay playback code for Amstrad CPC
;; Uses firmware functions to allow music to play
;; while BASIC is active.
;; CALL &8000 to setup interrupt and to play music
;; CALL &8003 to stop music
;; Code assembles using wincpc's assembler.
;; To use this:
;; 1. Use Midi2ay to convert a .mid file and output as asm.
;; 2. Delete the data after notas in this file.
;; 3. Copy and paste the notas from the new asm file to the end of this code
;; 4. Assemble and enjoy.
;; NOTE: The tone data stored here is for the Spectrum which
;; has an AY sound chip running at 1.77Mhz.
;; The CPC has an AY sound chip running at 1.0Mhz, so the tones will not
;; be correct.


kl_new_frame_fly equ &bcd7
mc_sound_register equ &bd34
kl_del_frame_fly equ &bcdd

org    &8000


JP play_music        ;; +0
JP stop_music        ;; +3


xor a
ld (counter),a
ld (count_active),a

;; setup an interrupt to be executed every frame flyback
;; (50hz)
ld hl,ff_event_block
ld b,&81
ld c,0
ld de,ff_event_routine
call kl_new_frame_fly


ld hl,ff_event_block
call kl_del_frame_fly


defs 10


;; counter is active?

ld a,(count_active)
or a
;; no, do next packet
jr z,packet_begin

;; yes it's active
;; count down
ld a,(counter)
dec a
ld (counter),a

;; if counter is not zero, we quit and continue
or a
ret nz

;; counter is not active any more
xor a
ld (count_active),a

;; we now continue from counter and read remaining data in packet
ld hl,(pos)
jr cont_from_counter


;; read a complete packet
ld    hl,(pos)

;; continue with part of a packet

;; counter?
ld    a,(hl)
or    a
jr    nz,counter_set

;; continue after doing a counter
inc    hl
ld    a,(hl)
cp    &ff        ;; end
jr    z,music_end
cp    &fe        ;; skip?
jr    z,skip
;; write to ay
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
call mc_sound_register
jr    packet_cont

;; start the counter

ld    (pos),hl
ld (counter),a
ld (count_active),a


;; skip data

inc    hl
inc    hl
ld    (pos),hl

;; music end

;; loop
ld hl,notas
ld (pos),hl
jr packet_cont


count_active: defb 0
counter: defb 0
pos:    dw    notas


;; data

    db &00, &07, &38, &00, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00
    db &00, &10, &00, &00, &00, &fc, &00, &01, &00
    db &00, &08, &0f, &19, &00, &7e, &00, &02, &fc
    db &00, &03, &00, &0d, &00, &a8, &00, &02, &7e
    db &00, &04, &fc, &00, &05, &00, &19, &00, &fc
    db &00, &02, &a8, &00, &04, &7e, &19, &00, &8d
    db &00, &02, &fc, &00, &04, &a8, &19, &00, &fc
    db &00, &02, &8d, &00, &04, &fc, &0d, &00, &bd
    db &00, &02, &fc, &00, &04, &8d, &19, &02, &bd
    db &00, &04, &fc, &19, &00, &8d, &00, &02, &a8
    db &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &bd, &19, &00, &fc
    db &00, &02, &8d, &00, &09, &00, &00, &04, &a8
    db &0d, &02, &fc, &00, &04, &8d, &0d, &00, &7e
    db &00, &02, &a8, &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &fc
    db &0d, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00, &0d, &08, &0f
    db &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &7e, &19, &00, &fc
    db &00, &02, &7e, &00, &09, &00, &00, &04, &a8
    db &0d, &00, &8d, &00, &02, &a8, &00, &09, &0f
    db &00, &04, &fc, &0d, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00
    db &0d, &08, &0f, &00, &02, &bd, &00, &09, &0f
    db &00, &04, &8d, &0d, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00
    db &0d, &00, &96, &00, &08, &0f, &00, &09, &0f
    db &0d, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00, &0d, &00, &fc
    db &00, &08, &0f, &00, &02, &96, &00, &04, &bd
    db &0d, &00, &a8, &00, &01, &01, &00, &02, &fc
    db  &00, &04, &96, &03, &02, &a8, &00, &03, &01
    db  &00, &04, &fc, &03, &04, &a8, &00, &05, &01
    db  &13, &00, &f8, &0d, &00, &fc, &00, &01, &00
    db  &00, &02, &50, &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &f8
    db  &0d, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00, &0d, &08, &0f
    db  &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &fc, &00, &05, &00
    db  &0d, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00, &26, &00, &a8
    db  &00, &08, &0f, &00, &02, &d4, &00, &03, &00
    db  &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &1b, &00, &05, &01
    db  &00, &0a, &0f, &19, &04, &fc, &00, &05, &00
    db  &0d, &04, &1b, &00, &05, &01, &0d, &04, &fc
    db  &00, &05, &00, &0d, &04, &1b, &00, &05, &01
    db  &26, &00, &96, &00, &02, &bd, &00, &04, &a8
    db  &0d, &00, &f8, &00, &01, &01, &00, &02, &96
    db  &00, &09, &00, &00, &04, &bd, &00, &05, &00
    db  &00, &0a, &00, &0d, &00, &96, &00, &01, &00
    db  &00, &02, &bd, &00, &09, &0f, &00, &04, &fc
    db  &00, &0a, &0f, &0d, &04, &96, &00, &0a, &00
    db  &0d, &04, &fc, &00, &0a, &0f, &0d, &04, &96
    db  &00, &0a, &00, &19, &00, &a8, &00, &02, &d4
    db  &02, &04, &a8, &0b, &00, &fc, &00, &02, &a8
    db  &00, &09, &00, &00, &04, &d4, &03, &02, &fc
    db  &00, &04, &a8, &03, &04, &fc, &06, &02, &f8
    db  &00, &03, &01, &00, &09, &0f, &0d, &02, &fc
    db  &00, &03, &00, &00, &04, &50, &00, &05, &01
    db  &00, &0a, &0f, &0d, &09, &00, &00, &04, &fc
    db  &00, &05, &00, &00, &0a, &00, &0d, &09, &0f
    db  &00, &04, &50, &00, &05, &01, &00, &0a, &0f
    db  &0d, &09, &00, &00, &04, &fc, &00, &05, &00
    db  &00, &0a, &00, &0d, &02, &f8, &00, &03, &01
    db  &00, &09, &0f, &0d, &02, &a8, &19, &08, &00
    db  &00, &09, &00, &00, &ff, &00

;; end


well, yours work !!
Thanks for taking the time  8)
Now let's play with this .....


this seems to be a nice and easy (for non musicians) way to get sound into games.

To get the midi2ay visit: World of Spectrum - Utilities

Remember this game ?

;; Midi2ay playback code for Amstrad CPC
;; Uses firmware functions to allow music to play
;; while BASIC is active.
;; CALL &8000 to setup interrupt and to play music
;; CALL &8003 to stop music
;; Code assembles using wincpc's assembler.
;; To use this:
;; 1. Use Midi2ay to convert a .mid file and output as asm.
;; 2. Delete the data after notas in this file.
;; 3. Copy and paste the notas from the new asm file to the end of this code
;; 4. Assemble and enjoy.
;; NOTE: The tone data stored here is for the Spectrum which
;; has an AY sound chip running at 1.77Mhz.
;; The CPC has an AY sound chip running at 1.0Mhz, so the tones will not
;; be correct.


kl_new_frame_fly equ &bcd7
mc_sound_register equ &bd34
kl_del_frame_fly equ &bcdd

org    &8000


JP play_music        ;; +0
JP stop_music        ;; +3


xor a
ld (counter),a
ld (count_active),a

;; setup an interrupt to be executed every frame flyback
;; (50hz)
ld hl,ff_event_block
ld b,&81
ld c,0
ld de,ff_event_routine
call kl_new_frame_fly


ld hl,ff_event_block
call kl_del_frame_fly


defs 10


;; counter is active?

ld a,(count_active)
or a
;; no, do next packet
jr z,packet_begin

;; yes it's active
;; count down
ld a,(counter)
dec a
ld (counter),a

;; if counter is not zero, we quit and continue
or a
ret nz

;; counter is not active any more
xor a
ld (count_active),a

;; we now continue from counter and read remaining data in packet
ld hl,(pos)
jr cont_from_counter


;; read a complete packet
ld    hl,(pos)

;; continue with part of a packet

;; counter?
ld    a,(hl)
or    a
jr    nz,counter_set

;; continue after doing a counter
inc    hl
ld    a,(hl)
cp    &ff        ;; end
jr    z,music_end
cp    &fe        ;; skip?
jr    z,skip
;; write to ay
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld c,(hl)
inc hl
call mc_sound_register
jr    packet_cont

;; start the counter

ld    (pos),hl
ld (counter),a
ld (count_active),a


;; skip data

inc    hl
inc    hl
ld    (pos),hl

;; music end

;; loop
ld hl,notas
ld (pos),hl
jr packet_cont


count_active: defb 0
counter: defb 0
pos:    dw    notas


;; data


    db &00, &07, &38, &00, &08, &00, &00, &09, &00
    db &00, &10, &00, &00, &00, &c1, &00, &01, &01
    db &00, &08, &0c, &01, &02, &c1, &00, &03, &01
    db &01, &04, &c1, &00, &05, &01, &26, &00, &a8
    db &00, &01, &00, &00, &02, &a8, &00, &03, &00
    db &00, &09, &0c, &00, &04, &1b, &00, &0a, &0c
    db &36, &00, &96, &00, &02, &96, &28, &00, &8d
    db &00, &02, &8d, &0d, &00, &b2, &00, &02, &b2
    db &6b, &00, &a8, &00, &02, &a8, &36, &00, &96
    db &00, &02, &96, &28, &00, &8d, &00, &02, &8d
    db &0d, &00, &b2, &00, &02, &b2, &6b, &00, &a8
    db &00, &02, &a8, &36, &00, &96, &00, &02, &96
    db &28, &00, &8d, &00, &02, &8d, &0d, &00, &b2
    db &00, &02, &b2, &6b, &00, &a8, &00, &02, &a8
    db &36, &00, &96, &00, &02, &96, &28, &00, &8d
    db &00, &02, &8d, &0d, &00, &85, &00, &02, &85
    db &00, &04, &e0, &00, &05, &00, &5e, &00, &7e
    db &00, &04, &85, &03, &00, &70, &03, &00, &64
    db &03, &00, &5e, &03, &00, &54, &00, &02, &54
    db &00, &04, &7e, &03, &00, &4b, &03, &00, &43
    db &03, &00, &3f, &03, &00, &38, &03, &00, &32
    db &03, &00, &2f, &03, &00, &54, &00, &02, &7e
    db &02, &00, &2a, &00, &02, &54, &1c, &04, &70
    db &1a, &00, &54, &00, &02, &70, &0f, &02, &64
    db &00, &04, &64, &0d, &00, &59, &00, &02, &8d
    db &00, &04, &8d, &6b, &00, &54, &00, &02, &7e
    db &00, &04, &7e, &36, &02, &70, &00, &04, &70
    db &28, &02, &64, &00, &04, &64, &0d, &00, &59
    db &00, &02, &8d, &00, &04, &8d, &6b, &00, &3b
    db &00, &02, &77, &00, &04, &77, &36, &04, &7e
    db &28, &04, &9f, &0d, &00, &38, &00, &02, &70
    db &00, &04, &85, &6b, &00, &77, &00, &08, &0f
    db &00, &02, &3b, &00, &04, &77, &36, &00, &5e
    db &28, &00, &4f, &0d, &00, &43, &00, &02, &38
    db &00, &04, &70, &6b, &00, &7e, &00, &08, &0d
    db &00, &02, &6a, &00, &04, &7e, &36, &00, &70
    db &00, &04, &70, &28, &00, &6a, &00, &04, &6a
    db &0d, &00, &85, &00, &02, &85, &00, &04, &9f
    db &1b, &00, &28, &00, &08, &0c, &00, &02, &28
    db &00, &04, &85, &00, &0a, &0d, &1b, &00, &21
    db &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f
    db &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f
    db &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21
    db &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21
    db &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f
    db &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f
    db &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21
    db &09, &00, &7e, &00, &08, &0d, &00, &02, &7e
    db &00, &04, &7e, &00, &0a, &0c, &36, &00, &70
    db &00, &02, &70, &28, &00, &6a, &00, &02, &6a
    db &0d, &00, &85, &00, &02, &85, &00, &04, &9f
    db &1b, &00, &28, &00, &08, &0c, &00, &02, &28
    db &00, &04, &85, &00, &0a, &0d, &1b, &00, &21
    db &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f
    db &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f
    db &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21
    db &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21
    db &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f
    db &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f
    db &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21
    db &09, &00, &7e, &00, &08, &0d, &00, &02, &7e
    db &00, &04, &7e, &00, &0a, &0c, &09, &02, &70
    db &09, &02, &6a, &12, &02, &5e, &09, &00, &54
    db &00, &08, &0c, &00, &02, &7e, &00, &09, &0d
    db &09, &00, &70, &00, &08, &0d, &00, &02, &54
    db &00, &09, &0c, &09, &02, &4b, &09, &00, &43
    db &00, &08, &0c, &00, &02, &70, &00, &09, &0d
    db &09, &00, &3f, &09, &00, &38, &04, &02, &6a
    db &04, &00, &35, &09, &02, &85, &00, &04, &9f
    db &1b, &00, &28, &00, &02, &28, &00, &09, &0c
    db &00, &04, &35, &1b, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21
    db &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21
    db &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f
    db &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f
    db &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21
    db &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f, &04, &00, &21
    db &00, &02, &21, &04, &00, &1f, &00, &02, &1f
    db &04, &00, &21, &00, &02, &21, &09, &00, &7e
    db &00, &08, &0d, &00, &02, &7e, &00, &04, &7e
    db &09, &02, &70, &09, &02, &6a, &12, &02, &5e
    db &09, &00, &54, &00, &08, &0c, &00, &02, &7e
    db &00, &09, &0d, &09, &00, &70, &00, &08, &0d
    db &00, &02, &54, &00, &09, &0c, &09, &02, &4b
    db &09, &00, &43, &00, &08, &0c, &00, &02, &70
    db &00, &09, &0d, &09, &00, &3f, &09, &00, &38
    db &04, &02, &6a, &04, &00, &35, &09, &00, &32
    db &00, &02, &64, &00, &04, &85, &36, &04, &64
    db &36, &00, &2f, &00, &02, &5e, &00, &04, &5e
    db &36, &00, &2a, &00, &02, &54, &00, &04, &54
    db &28, &00, &25, &00, &02, &4b, &00, &04, &4b
    db &0d, &00, &35, &00, &02, &6a, &00, &04, &6a
    db &21, &02, &43, &00, &09, &0c, &00, &0a, &0d
    db &03, &02, &3b, &03, &02, &35, &03, &00, &2f
    db &03, &00, &2a, &03, &00, &25, &03, &00, &21
    db &00, &08, &0f, &03, &00, &25, &00, &08, &0c
    db &03, &00, &2a, &03, &00, &2f, &03, &00, &35
    db &03, &02, &3b, &03, &02, &43, &03, &02, &6a
    db &00, &09, &0d, &00, &0a, &0c, &1e, &00, &2f
    db &00, &02, &5e, &00, &04, &5e, &36, &00, &2a
    db &00, &02, &54, &00, &04, &54, &28, &00, &25
    db &00, &02, &4b, &00, &04, &4b, &0d, &00, &35
    db &00, &02, &6a, &00, &04, &6a, &21, &02, &43
    db &00, &09, &0c, &00, &0a, &0d, &03, &02, &3b
    db &03, &02, &35, &03, &00, &2f, &03, &00, &2a
    db &03, &00, &25, &03, &00, &21, &00, &08, &0f
    db &03, &00, &25, &00, &08, &0c, &03, &00, &2a
    db &03, &00, &2f, &03, &00, &35, &03, &02, &3b
    db &03, &02, &43, &03, &02, &6a, &00, &09, &0d
    db &00, &0a, &0c, &1e, &00, &32, &00, &02, &64
    db &00, &04, &64, &36, &00, &35, &00, &02, &6a
    db &00, &04, &6a, &28, &00, &43, &00, &02, &85
    db &00, &04, &85, &0d, &00, &38, &00, &02, &70
    db &00, &04, &70, &21, &02, &47, &00, &09, &0c
    db &00, &0a, &0d, &03, &02, &3f, &03, &02, &38
    db &03, &00, &32, &03, &00, &2d, &03, &00, &28
    db &03, &00, &23, &00, &08, &0f, &03, &00, &28
    db &00, &08, &0c, &03, &00, &2d, &03, &00, &32
    db &03, &00, &38, &03, &02, &3f, &03, &02, &47
    db &03, &02, &70, &00, &09, &0d, &00, &0a, &0c
    db &1e, &00, &32, &00, &02, &64, &00, &04, &64
    db &3a, &00, &35, &00, &02, &6a, &00, &04, &6a
    db &2e, &00, &43, &00, &02, &85, &00, &04, &85
    db &10, &00, &70, &00, &08, &0f, &00, &02, &38
    db &00, &09, &0c, &00, &04, &70, &21, &04, &47
    db &03, &04, &3f, &03, &04, &38, &03, &02, &32
    db &03, &02, &2d, &03, &02, &28, &03, &00, &23
    db &00, &02, &70, &00, &09, &0f, &03, &00, &70
    db &00, &02, &28, &00, &09, &0c, &03, &02, &2d
    db &03, &02, &32, &03, &02, &38, &03, &04, &3f
    db &03, &04, &47, &03, &04, &70, &89, &02, &8d
    db &00, &04, &e0, &00, &0a, &0d, &00, &08, &00
    db &00, &09, &00, &00, &0a, &00, &00, &ff, &00


More Music ...


Quote from: SRS on 14:03, 13 April 16
this seems to be a nice and easy (for non musicians) way to get sound into games.

Remember this game ?

there is a small typo ( double label before notes list ).
Can't find the game , the beginning really sounds like the soundtrack of Dune ( Lynch movie ) ;

Actually I play the piano and I find it much easier to encode notes than to use a tracker ( just not my process ) .


thx, fixed it.

and yes, it is from DUNE - not the nonsense "pro7" new movie but the good old "Dune 2000" game.

I can't do music with trackers. I like this new possibility you found.


I would never have thought Dune would sound so AWESOME on AY  8)


I am trying to understand the "packet format" outputted by midi2ay from the running example ,
and trying to poke values into the AY but I can't find a reference of the values used.

By breakpointing I can see that
A = 07
C = 38
on first call to MC_SOUND_REGISTER,
but if I just :

ld A,#07
lc C,#38

nothing happens ?
maximum gratitude for any pointer  8)
clock is ticking for retrodev ( albeit slowly  :P )


From breakpointing the above player in winamp it turns out the minimum to emit a note is:

;ay test
org #4000


;run start

ld A,#07
ld C,#38
call MC
ld A,#08
ld C,#00
call MC
ld A,#09
ld C,#00
call MC
ld A,#10
ld C,#00
call MC
ld A,#00
ld C,#FC
call MC
ld A,#01
ld C,#00
call MC
ld A,#08
ld C,#0F
call MC

still searching for understandable docs as first note needs 7 MC_SOUND_REGISTER calls,
second note needs only 3.


This is quite an interesting thread.
I managed to get a midi to work using your instructions but it was quite short and starting making random beeps in the middle. I'll continue to play around with it.
Please continue to post as you discover more secrets, you have at least one follower. ;D
Keeping it Kiwi since 1977


The AY registers are documented on the wiki:



Thanks for the pointer !
I am specifically trying to understand the format of the instructions to pass to MC_SOUND_REGISTER firmware function.
It is not documented in the "firmware reference guide".

I will study this # cough # discovered the search function # cough #
Trying to understand the bare fundumentals of Sound using Firmware

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