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Can anybody help me to choose best Z80 CPU assembler / compiler?

Started by Miro, 09:05, 09 January 14

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I'm real Commodore 128'er. I'm programming in assembler of MOS 8502 and WDC65816. Now I began to learn programming Z80 CPU which is included in C128.

Of course if I want to learn anything, I must to test own routines etc.
But I didn't found still good assembler and compiler to programming sources and compile them in Windows then test it on real C128.
I mean st. like KickAssembler, TASM or XASM... these tools are perfect and something similar I found not yet.

Over the web are existing platform dependent assemblers which needs specify machine to use for.

I want to find true Z80 assembler which checks at compile Z80 syntax only, not more and output as binary file... extension is not important.

Thank you for everything.



I am a Z80 programmer, i choiced Sjasm because of its syntax (you can choice between old and modern syntax) and it offers enough possibility to get a good structuration of your code (global/local labels/modules/(overloaded) macros/structures/enumations and so on).I use it for all my Z80 devs , not only CPC.
It owns a little particulaty as every line must start with a tab or a white space if it is not a label (that is confusing 1st time) , like old school asm.
It is for windows only and is used only with command line that allows it to make multiple compilations for a complex project.
It can export symbols (in source asm format) that is very usefull for linking.
It allows too small things to make more easy your code writing like undoc instructions, post/pre increment/decrement (like ld A,(HL++) = ld A,(HL):inc HL)

That's all about it , have a good choice  ;)
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Personally I prefer MAXAM in ROM. But since you come from the Commodore side I would like to suggest another assembler to you, it's EDIT v3.1, see here:


(Click at the left side at TOOLS -> EDIT/Assembler)

Anything about cross compiling: See what Fano told  ;)
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