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Memory Check.

Started by Bryce, 15:21, 22 October 11

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The memory expansions I used were both 256K DKTronics expansions, so they should always disable the internal upper 64K. It works correctly if the DK is set to banks 4 to 7, but not if banks 0 to 3 are set. So it must be something wrong in the software, because the same expansion can hardly show 256 or 320K just by swapping which bank number it reacts to?

That's one scary costume you've got there. I'll be sleeping with the light on tonight :D



Is it possible to design a memory expansion that does not disable the internal additional 64k in a 6128?


Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem, it would just mean that the expansion had one IC more on the PCB and cost a bit more.



Quote from: TFM/FS on 22:42, 31 October 11WinApe offers at least banks 4-7 (256 Silicon disc). Also Caprice can be used for 320 KB expansion RAM.

Solution: Check 128 KB and check box at 256 KB Silicon disc. Then you have RAM banks 0, 4-7. This makes the 320 KB expansion RAM. I checked that with my tool, WinApe works fine.
Of course, TFM, if you take a look to the picture that i uploaded with the program, i was using that config with the Silicon Disk ;) And with every combination of memory config with WinApe, i get the correct ram size.

The process is (as i said before if you wanna take a look to the sources, only tell ;)):
1.- Mark every expansion page without thinking, ie follow the sequence C4, C5, C6, C7, CC, ... and put a $FF in the first byte.
2.- Initialize counter to 1 and new ram expansion page to $C4.
3.- Paging the new ram expansion page and read the mark byte, is $FF?
4a.- Yes, new ram page detected. Write the counter in the mark byte and in the first position of the array of 32 possible expansion ram pages, increase counter and pass to the next expansion page.
4b.- No,  this page was detected before. Put a 0 in its position in the array of possible expansion ram pages, NOT increase the counter and pass to the next expansion page.
5.- Go 3, while we have expansion pages to test.

Because that, once a page is detected, it's not gonna be detected again.

And that is the X-files with Bryce, it looks that the internal ram is not being disabled and as his DK'Tronics ram expansion is configured to use the banks 0-3... stupid question, could it appears the internal 6128+ ram expansion as the bank 4??? Instead of appearing the mirrors of the DK'Tronics  banks, it was the internal 6128 expansion ram bank.

Quote from: TFM/FS on 22:42, 31 October 11Cool picture! Have fun tonight :-)))
Thanks TFM, you know well how i need the last night ;)

Quote from: Bryce on 23:49, 31 October 11The memory expansions I used were both 256K DKTronics expansions, so they should always disable the internal upper 64K. It works correctly if the DK is set to banks 4 to 7, but not if banks 0 to 3 are set. So it must be something wrong in the software, because the same expansion can hardly show 256 or 320K just by swapping which bank number it reacts to?
Well, i'm tracing the program now and i hope been able to find the bug ;)

Quote from: Bryce on 23:49, 31 October 11That's one scary costume you've got there. I'll be sleeping with the light on tonight :D
You would have to see the full costume, much more Travolfrighten xDDD Although a great success between witches and vamps... Je ne comprends pas!!! xDDDD


Quote from: Bryce on 23:49, 31 October 11
The memory expansions I used were both 256K DKTronics expansions, so they should always disable the internal upper 64K.

No, because the are different (see my last posts). Boiled down:

- One 256 KB expansion provides banks 0,1,2 and 3.
- The other 256 KB expansion provides banks 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Only the first one disables the internal bank 0 (of 64 KB).

Therefore dk'tronics calls one "Silicon disc" and the other one "Memory expansion".
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: steve on 00:44, 01 November 11
Is it possible to design a memory expansion that does not disable the internal additional 64k in a 6128?

Yes, if the expanson provides 448 KB for banks 1-7 (but not for 0). The Dobbertin one could be used that way IIRC.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 23:59, 01 November 11

No, because the are different (see my last posts). Boiled down:

- One 256 KB expansion provides banks 0,1,2 and 3.
- The other 256 KB expansion provides banks 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Only the first one disables the internal bank 0 (of 64 KB).

Therefore dk'tronics calls one "Silicon disc" and the other one "Memory expansion".

Correct, but SyXs software is only testing external RAM, so it shouldn't make a difference.
At the moment if I connect 256K as banks 0 to 3, I should NOT see RAM in bank 4, which SyXs program is showing me.



Quote from: Bryce on 10:01, 02 November 11
Correct, but SyXs software is only testing external RAM, so it shouldn't make a difference.

Software can NOT see the difference between internal or external expansion RAM, because if you use the expansion RAM bank 0 for example, then you always address it by &7FC4,5,6,7.

So it does MAKE a difference. And that's the reason for detecting 256 KB in one case and 320 KB in the other case.

Quote from: Bryce on 10:01, 02 November 11
At the moment if I connect 256K as banks 0 to 3, I should NOT see RAM in bank 4, which SyXs program is showing me.

Right, there is no expansion which will occupy five banks (0,1,2,3 and 4).

To re-check what's really connected use my "OS-Infos" program :-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I will be checking the RAM with your OS-Info later tonight, I'll let you know.

It's not that I think the expansion is occupying five banks, but that his program is detecting 5 Blocks: ie: The internal upper 64K plus the 4 Blocks in the expansion.



Remains a mystery! Good luck!!! :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Bryce on 20:15, 02 November 11
I will be checking the RAM with your OS-Info later tonight, I'll let you know.

A small person started crying shortly after posting this, so the test hasn't been done yet.



It's perfectly understable ;)

The other interesting mystery is your change of country flag :P


I decided that Pit Cairn was getting a bit boring (you don't meet many new people there :D ), so a spot of North Africa seemed like a good idea :)



Quote from: Bryce on 11:16, 03 November 11
I decided that Pit Cairn was getting a bit boring (you don't meet many new people there :D ), so a spot of North Africa seemed like a good idea :)


But Burkina Faso is in West Africa, not in North Africa. BTW: Can I take the Spot in Pitcairn?
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Well it's in North Africa too, depending on whether you divide the continent horizontally or vertically :D Ok, technically (official UN definition) it's west africa, but it is on the border of North Africa.

Yup, the spot in Pit Cairn is all yours :)



Ok, let's put it that way. It's in non-South-Africa. :laugh:

Thank's for the other spot, need some time to regenerate :-)

Hope Bryce V2 and family are fine :-) Just a day more, and it's weekend. And I _really_ hope that you find some time for you, your family and... the CPC  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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