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Can this song be recreated in Locomotive Basic using the Sound command? i

Started by Techboy, 07:17, 02 September 19

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How about trying it yourself? This is a forum, not a code request site.



Yes, it can. How well depends largely on musical ability and skill with the BASIC sound system.


I remember (and prefer) this tune as;

I think it's a little "overkill" as a Hard-Rock Guitar version... (only my own personal opinion! ^_^)


Quote from: SuTeKH/Epyteor on 13:45, 02 September 19
I remember (and prefer) this tune as;

I think it's a little "overkill" as a Hard-Rock Guitar version... (only my own personal opinion! ^_^)

we all have our opinions, even when we don't agree on them :D

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