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CPCRetrodev 2018 : Deeper Warrens

Started by Arnaud, 20:54, 05 November 18

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Quote from: Arnaud on 20:00, 27 November 18
Seems to look like a final version  :D
Can i make the M4 version of the game?
Or there is any fix or improvement to do in the future?


Quote from: Joseman on 00:09, 02 December 18
Can i make the M4 version of the game?
Of course, and thanks for this  :)

Quote from: Joseman on 00:09, 02 December 18Or there is any fix or improvement to do in the future?
Nothing for now, unless i discover a new bug or have a great idea.


Went till level 22!
Just noticed one tiny bug: on resurrection, the "strength potion" was still in effect.

I lose still quite a lot of energy because of hunger...  The problem is that when you're hungry, it's almost impossible to kill any big monster. I have two suggestions:
- Drinking strength potion could make the hunger ignored (only during the potion duration). Since you can't "own" food, you could buy strength potion instead to counter hunger, on critical moments.
- Diminish a bit the amount of weakness the hunger provides.

Oh, and maybe put on or two more food items in levels >19?

Great game anyway :) .

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of course when i said i have nothing to do, i have to make another version  ;D

Version C
- Tile attribute (ex: on fire tile) of monster was not cleared on death (it explains mysterous and automatic death for new monsters)
- In some cases the blue selection in inventory could not disappeared
- On death some temporary bonus were not removed

- Hunger has less impact on attack power
- Shop sell Steak instead of Cider
- Increase food effect
- Rework sligthly some Levels

I think food should be less problematic with this version  ;)

Quote from: Targhan on 14:47, 02 December 18
Went till level 22!
Next time you'll finish it ! I just completed it without too many difficulties (i resurrect one time)


Here a longplay of Deeper Warrens :

Always happy to see my games played  ;D

Thanks to Amstrad Maniaque for this video


If it was Metr, it would have been a 5 minutes "long"-play...  :laugh:
Brain Radioactivity


Hi to all,
i am really happy to announce Deepers Warrens just have got a physical release at PhoenixWare.


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