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Started by TFM, 20:25, 09 May 12

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Does somebody have a ROM dump of the COMAL language on ROM?
Version 0.14 is known to me, but I got no dump.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Would somebody be interrested in getting a ROM dump of COMAL?
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Yes, have you found someone who has it?



Quote from: Bryce on 21:16, 10 May 12
Yes, have you found someone who has it?


I try to buy it at ebay! But I don't think I can go high enough. It's days left and the price is already very high.

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I checked my disk collection and I have Comal 80 disk version. On the disk there's a small basic program (2K), COMALDIR.BIN (30K) and HELP.BIN (9K). Are these any use, for converting to a ROM Version?



Hi Bryce...

Interesting subject.. At least I think this needs some attention for historical reasons!

Comal80 was sort of a crossover between BASIC and PASCAL (benefiting from procedures etc. more like BBC Basic actually), made primarily as a teaching language for schools!

Somehow Amstrad sources of Comal80 has mostly been lost in time.

I know of two different ROM versions of Comal80 for the CPC though! - If memory serves me right!

A version consisting of 2x16kb roms and the advanced version 3x16kb roms. I am not avare of the differences between the two versions.

I never really programmed the CPC in Comal80, because of the price.. Also i recall that the roms versions was distributed on their own romboards (and at a higher pricetag)

However I did program in Comal80 but only at school where it ran under CP/M..

I remember seeing Comal80 running for the Amstrad and it got some nice reviews in the press. Nice setup but expensive.

The  :P heavy duty :P equipment used at school for Comal80!


Quote from: Bryce on 09:04, 11 May 12
I checked my disk collection and I have Comal 80 disk version. On the disk there's a small basic program (2K), COMALDIR.BIN (30K) and HELP.BIN (9K). Are these any use, for converting to a ROM Version?



I also learnt Comal at University, so I have the same "Historical interest" in the language. I'd speculate that the 2 ROM version was made up from the 30K file I mentioned above and the 3 ROM Version probably had the Help file in it? It would be nice to get and try out on the MegaFlash. I still have a Comal 80 programmers reference somewhere, but I don't remember all that much about the language, assembler (6800) was much more interesting for me at the time.



Actually there is an article on Comal80 on the CPCWIKI.. must have missed it!

Although incomplete it gives some interesting info:

Comal80 - CPCWiki - The Ultimate Amstrad CPC Community & Encyclopedia!


Quote from: Bryce on 10:31, 11 May 12
I also learnt Comal at University, so I have the same "Historical interest" in the language. I'd speculate that the 2 ROM version was made up from the 30K file I mentioned above and the 3 ROM Version probably had the Help file in it? It would be nice to get and try out on the MegaFlash. I still have a Comal 80 programmers reference somewhere, but I don't remember all that much about the language, assembler (6800) was much more interesting for me at the time.



My Disk Version is actually the original Danish version. All the language commands are the same, just the error messages and Help (I think) are in Danish.



Quote from: Bryce on 09:04, 11 May 12
I checked my disk collection and I have Comal 80 disk version. On the disk there's a small basic program (2K), COMALDIR.BIN (30K) and HELP.BIN (9K). Are these any use, for converting to a ROM Version?


Well, that may be an alternative to start/load it from ROM (into RAM). But per se it will not run inside of the ROM

The one at ebay runs inside of the ROM, so you have all the RAM free for program code.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Bryce on 10:31, 11 May 12
I also learnt Comal at University, so I have the same "Historical interest" in the language. I'd speculate that the 2 ROM version was made up from the 30K file I mentioned above and the 3 ROM Version probably had the Help file in it? It would be nice to get and try out on the MegaFlash. I still have a Comal 80 programmers reference somewhere, but I don't remember all that much about the language, assembler (6800) was much more interesting for me at the time.


My stomic tells me that they are different releases.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


To say it went for a high price would be an understatement!




Quote from: Bryce on 11:02, 14 May 12
To say it went for a high price would be an understatement!


I have made a crude translation of the review of the Comal80 romboard(capsule) from Amstradbladet.. I should give a good idea about the features of the romversion!


Comal-80 prerelease capsule for CPC Series[/color][/color]Then there is the (almost) come COMAL80 ROM capsule to the CPC 464/664 and 6128 by Freddy Dalgas Dan Kristiansen. What can it do better than tape and floppy disk version and is it worth the wait? These questions and many more, I will try to answer in this and future articles. This was written shortly before the final ROMs were burned (ROM was'm not built in a day, right?!), Then this article provides only an overview of the facilities offered by the new COMAL80. When the final ROM is published, we will go deeper and find out what this COMAL80 can, like the others do not. ROM programs advantage of ROM programs is evident. When the machine is turned on, they are just there, and they can be activated with a single command, eg. Comal started by typing: * Comal. Load equipment and programs are passé and when ROM programs can be composed of several ROMs of 16K (normally max 4 pcs. - 64K, that is the same as an entire CPC 464 or 664 loaded with software), there is room for almost all types programs in a read-only the programs: Moreover, it is a criti-cal stuff, then use ROMs like Amstrad's built-in BASIC. there is also a ROM program, not very much space up in RAM, CKS, it is possible to write VERY large programs, text files, etc. History It all started with a COMAL80 on tape and disk plus a collection of "packets" , which could be bathed as needed. It filled everything together, so there was usually no more than a little over 10K making Comal in. Now there are over 35K incl. packets that are always present, ie that there is sound. turtlegrafik, plain. graphics and advanced graphics with very fast circle, pie, zoom, fill, print dump of graphics / text and many other routines. ready to use. You can even fill an area off the A's, or any other pattern! Furthermore, there is room for even a ROM! Freddy Indeed filled 3 16K ROMs out to the brim with a total of 48K code, or right-with a 32K and a 16K ROM. 16K ROM can cow automatically be copied into a 32K ROM with some extra Comal code. for example. COMAL80 commands to control some peripheral devices or COMAL80 translator or ... 32K ROM can then be lowered into the original socket and voila - then you have a COMAL80 with new opportunities for an integrated EPROM's price plus development costs for the program! COMAL80 used COMAL80 capsule installed extensions like RAM, disk interface, etc., the interface port on the back CPC'eren and it all seems even in Comal, for example to call CP / M directly from COMAL80 by simply type: cprn outside the bar. However, for example the Maxam assembler is not used entirely during COMAL80 because it expects that BASIC has its system variables at specific places, but MAXAM'en comply'm not the conventions! Here is a frequently occurring problem! Many applications in particular games does not work when connected ROM'eren on CPC'eren. This problem is normally solved simply by removing the ROM, the capsules, but the wear of the print webs tremendously! Freddy has solved the problem for her ROM capsule with a small stroke of genius. With a small jumper can be determined. the Comal capsule must be active or not without having to take the capsule completely. You can even. and this is the best thing in my opinion, move the jumper so COMAL80 starts up automatically! BASIC should then be called by typing: basic - Amstrad CPC has become a COMAL80 computer! COMAL80 luxury! We're not done yet with the specialties! If you have some form of memory expansion. for example. DK'tronics, Vortex, or "just" a CPC6128, it will be used as an ultra-fast RAM disk, where you can store its programs and data, and finally copy them to a floppy disk with the copy command before the machine turns off. It is possible to create an infinite number of pop up windows, only limited by the RAM disk or diskette, which remember was behind, so the screen is not destroyed when the windows disappear. It may, for example. used to make an Amstrad, Amiga in Comal! Whole COMAL80'eren has been faster than disk and tape editions. and there are, for example. added random access files to the filesystem. Conclusion This is the system! I personally use CO-MAL-80 for development of most of my programs because it is fast, and error-check function much better than in BASIC, I can highly recommend this quality product from DalgaSoft, it closely follows the specifications tions for Comal kernel - it works. and RAM disk is just icing on the cake![/color]By Leif Andrew Rump


Quote from: Bryce on 11:02, 14 May 12
To say it went for a high price would be an understatement!


I expected that to happen. These people are just collectors, not users. Enemies by nature if you want.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I don't mind collectors. Other than the fact that they ruin the prices, they do at least make sure that at least one working device still exists. The used ones often end up broken and sometimes even dumped then!



Well, as a user I keep my inventory running and in good shape. I rely on it. And I can fix it when it's broken. A collector will never ever use that stuff, it keeps it in dark shelfes, maybe even in dust and dirt  :o  I could cry!  :(
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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