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Coders (BASIC) wanted for help on Elvira

Started by Devilmarkus, 20:59, 31 July 09

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Hi together,
as some of you know, I begun to code the RPG game "Elvira - Mistress of the Dark" for CPC 6128.


For this project I need help from coders.
(I want to finish it...)

If someone is interested in this, please contact me.

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Please, guys, do lend a hand... this is a great and really, really really ambitious project. I think it's a miracle that Markus has brought it so far, it'd be shame to see it go down the drain!


Come onnnnnnnnnnn............
Please helppppp...

Don't let this project die...  :-\
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release



Sorry, I have no time at the moment to help you (Color lines... ). I think you should explain at what step you project is (gfx, music, game logic) and what kind of help you need (code all the game or only specific routines, for example :-) ). That may motivate some CPC coders.



As a sidenote, who would've thought this can be done in Basic?...


Quote from: Gryzor on 09:06, 15 August 09
As a sidenote, who would've thought this can be done in Basic?...

That's not 100% correct.
BASIC only puts some logic together, uses some variables to make this or that.

The most power is taken from Elvira's RSX commands. (Specially designed for this game)

I will post now, in what case I need your help.
It has to do with the huge inventory.
The game uses about 150-200 items.
They can be picked up, used, combined together etc...
Each item has a sprite (So each item must know it's address)

As you can see in the animated GIF above, i need the inventory box working.
- Select / deselect an item
- Scroll the box up/down if you have more than 12 items
- Drop / pick up items in a room

To let you know:
- The cursor is interrupt driven. It returns x,y coords when press fire / space and it moves on cursor keys/joystick movement/AMX mouse, too

Of course, the game could be re-coded completely, if this makes things easier.
But I appreciate my RSX routines for it, because it's really easy to handle.
(Only thing is: I can only use PCCPC from Ludovic Deplanqué (Demoniak) to compress / cutout the images/sprites)

Some people already asked me, why I don't code this game for 256k/512k
Answer is simple:
- For basic it makes no difference, how many memory you have free, it's limited to 16k (Because himem is set to &3FFF)
- The game should work on a un-touched CPC 6128
- There exist a C64 version which runs on 64k Commodore. (Without nice animations, sounds etc...)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Maybe you should post the source code so others may offer suggestions or better determine whether they are able to contribute??


Quote from: lachlank on 10:30, 15 August 09
Maybe you should post the source code so others may offer suggestions or better determine whether they are able to contribute??

For basic it's not easy, because the game uses lots of small parts.
(Using 'CHAIN MERGE' command)

But here's the ASM code:
; Elvira - Mistress of the Dark
; RSX routines
; ©2007-2009 by Demoniak & Devilmarkus
; AYC-music-playback done 2009 by Devilmarkus
; Addresses & locations for built-in sprites:
; 1, 54,&9EC0          UP-Arrow
; 7, 62,&9EF0          DOWN-Arrow
; 4, 88,&9F1D          FORWARD-Arrow
; 2,109,&9F49          TURN_AROUND-Arrow
; 1,101,&9F91          TURN_LEFT-Arrow
; 6,101,&9FB9          TURN_RIGHT-Arrow

        org &9800
BuffSpt equ     #7C00
BuffScr equ     #4000
        call    IntOn

        LD      HL,BufferRsx
        LD      BC,PtrRsx
        JP      #BCD1

        DW      RSX_TABLE
        JP      DepkSpt
        JP      DepkShp
        JP      DepkWin
        JP      DepkScr
        JP      CursorOn
        JP      SetPosCursor
        JP      GetPosCursor
        JP      CursorOff
        JP      Bank
    JP      CLS
    JP      MusicOn
    JP      StopMusic
    JP      PauseMusic
    JP      Mode
    JP      Box
    JP      Arrow 

        DB      "DEPKSP","T"+#80
        DB      "DEPKSH","P"+#80
        DB      "DEPKWI","N"+#80
        DB      "DEPKSC","R"+#80
        DB      "CURSORO","N"+#80
        DB      "SETCURSO","R"+#80
        DB      "GETCURSO","R"+#80
        DB      "CURSOROF","F"+#80
        DB      "BAN","K"+#80
        DB      "CL","S"+#80
        DB      "PLA","Y"+#80
        DB      "STO","P"+#80
        DB      "PAUS","E"+#80
        DB      "MOD","E"+#80
        DB      "BO","X"+#80
        DB      "ARRO","W"+#80
; Depack sprite
        LD      H,(IX+1)
        LD      L,(IX+0)
        LD      DE,XD
        LDI                             ; store XD
        LDI                             ; store YD
        LDI                             ; stora XA
        LDI                             ; store YA
        LD      B,(IX+2)                ; New XD coordinate
        LD      C,(IX+4)                ; New YD coordinate
        LD      IX,XD
        LD      A,(IX+2)                ; XA
        SUB     (IX+0)                  ; XA - XD
        ADD     A,C                     ; XA - XD + NewXD
        LD      (IX+2),A
        LD      A,(IX+3)                ; YA
        SUB     (IX+1)                  ; YA - YD
        ADD     A,B                     ; YA - YD + NewYD
        LD      (IX+3),A
        LD      (IX+0),C                ; New XD
        LD      (IX+1),B                ; New YD
        LD      DE,BuffSpt              ; Temporary buffer
        CALL    DepkLzw                 ; depack
        CALL    CalcCoord
        LD      DE,BuffSpt
        DB      #DD : LD      H,0
        PUSH    HL
        DB      #DD : LD      L,0
        LD      A,(DE)                  ; Byte sprite
        LD      C,A
        LD      B,A
        OR      C                       ; Bits 0-3 | Bits 4-7 in all bits
        LD      C,A
        LD      A,(HL)                  ; Byte screen memory
        AND     C
        OR      B                       ; Byte sprite
        LD      (HL),A
        INC     DE
        LD      A,H
        ADD     A,8
        LD      H,A
        JR      NC,DrawSpt3
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        DB      #DD : DEC     L
        JR      NZ,DrawSpt2
        POP     HL
        INC     HL
        DB      #DD : DEC     H
        JR      NZ,DrawSpt1

; Depack sprite XOR
        LD      H,(IX+1)
        LD      L,(IX+0)
        LD      DE,XD
        LDI                             ; store XD
        LDI                             ; store YD
        LDI                             ; stora XA
        LDI                             ; store YA
        LD      B,(IX+2)                ; New XD coordinate
        LD      C,(IX+4)                ; New YD coordinate
        LD      IX,XD
        LD      A,(IX+2)                ; XA
        SUB     (IX+0)                  ; XA - XD
        ADD     A,C                     ; XA - XD + NewXD
        LD      (IX+2),A
        LD      A,(IX+3)                ; YA
        SUB     (IX+1)                  ; YA - YD
        ADD     A,B                     ; YA - YD + NewYD
        LD      (IX+3),A
        LD      (IX+0),C                ; New XD
        LD      (IX+1),B                ; New YD
        LD      DE,BuffSpt              ; Temporary buffer
        CALL    DepkLzw                 ; depack
        CALL    CalcCoordx
        LD      DE,BuffSpt
        DB      #DD : LD      H,0
        PUSH    HL
        DB      #DD : LD      L,0
        LD      A,(DE)                  ; Byte sprite
        LD      C,A
        LD      B,A
        OR      C                       ; Bits 0-3 | Bits 4-7 in all bits
        LD      C,A
        LD      A,(HL)                   ; Byte  screen memory
;        AND     C
;        OR      B                       ; Byte sprite
    XOR    B
        LD      (HL),A
        INC     DE
        LD      A,H
        ADD     A,8
        LD      H,A
        JR      NC,DrawSpt3x
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        DB      #DD : DEC     L
        JR      NZ,DrawSpt2x
        POP     HL
        INC     HL
        DB      #DD : DEC     H
        JR      NZ,DrawSpt1x

        LD      H,#C0                   ; Start video offset
        LD      A,(XD)
        LD      L,A
        LD      A,(YD)
        AND     A                       ; No y offset ?
        JR      Z,CalcDebBcl
        LD      B,A
        LD      C,8
        LD      DE,#C050
        LD      A,H
        ADD     A,C
        LD      H,A
        JR      NC,CalcS2
        ADD     HL,DE
        DJNZ    CalcS1

; Calculate size in Y
        LD      A,(YD)
        LD      B,A
        LD      A,(YA)
        SUB     B
        INC     A
        LD      B,A              ; B = numbers of y
; Calculate numbers of X
        LD      A,(XD)
        LD      C,A
        LD      A,(XA)
        SUB     C
        INC     A
        LD      (NbColSpt+2),A      ; numbers of x
        LD      A,B
        LD      (NbLigSpt+2),A

        LD      H,#C0                   ; Start video offset
        LD      A,(XD)
        LD      L,A
        LD      A,(YD)
        AND     A                       ; No y offset ?
        JR      Z,CalcDebBclx
        LD      B,A
        LD      C,8
        LD      DE,#C050
        LD      A,H
        ADD     A,C
        LD      H,A
        JR      NC,CalcS2x
        ADD     HL,DE
        DJNZ    CalcS1x

; Calculate size in Y
        LD      A,(YD)
        LD      B,A
        LD      A,(YA)
        SUB     B
        INC     A
        LD      B,A              ; B = numbers of y
; Calculate numbers of X
        LD      A,(XD)
        LD      C,A
        LD      A,(XA)
        SUB     C
        INC     A
        LD      (NbColShp+2),A      ; numbers of x
        LD      A,B
        LD      (NbLigShp+2),A

; Depack Window
        LD      H,(IX+1)
        LD      L,(IX+0)
        INC     HL
        INC     HL
        INC     HL
        INC     HL
        LD      DE,BuffSpt
        CALL    DepkLzw
        LD      HL,BuffSpt
        LD      DE,#D80C
        DB      #DD : LD      H,127
        LD      A,56
        LD      BC,127
        ADD     HL,BC
        INC     C
        DEC     A
        JR      NZ,DepkWin2
        LD      BC,#E439
        ADD     HL,BC
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      BC,#7C8                 ; #800 - 56
        ADD     HL,BC
        JR      NC,DepkWin3
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        EX      DE,HL
        DB      #DD : DEC     H
        JR      NZ,DepkWin1

; Depack Screen
        LD      H,(IX+1)
        LD      L,(IX+0)
        LD      DE,BuffScr
        CALL    DepkLzw
        LD      HL,BuffScr
        LD      DE,#C000
        DB      #DD : LD      H,200
        LD      A,80                    ; 80 columns
        LD      BC,200
        ADD     HL,BC
        INC     C
        DEC     A
        JR      NZ,DepkScr2
        LD      BC,#C181
        ADD     HL,BC
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      BC,#7B0                 ; #800 - 80
        ADD     HL,BC
        JR      NC,DepkScr3
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        EX      DE,HL
        DB      #DD : DEC     H
        JR      NZ,DepkScr1

        LD      A,(IX+0)
        LD      (&97ff),A
        AND     7
        OR      #C0
        LD      B,#7F
        OUT     (C),A

; Music Control
        LD      A,&CD
        LD      (MusicData),A
        LD      HL,PlayMusic
        LD      (MusicData+1),HL
        LD      A,&C9
        LD      (MusicData+3),A
        LD      BC,&7F00
        LD      C,&C7
        OUT     (C),C
        CALL    &4000
        LD      A,(&97FF)
        LD      BC,&7F00
        OUT     (C),A
        LD      A,&C9
        LD      (MusicData),A
        PUSH    AF
        PUSH    BC
        PUSH    DE
        PUSH    HL
        PUSH    IX
        PUSH    IY
        EX      AF,AF'
        PUSH    AF
        EX      AF,AF'
        LD      BC,&7F00
        LD      C,&C7
        OUT     (C),C
        CALL    &4003
        LD      A,(&97FF)
        LD      BC,&7F00
        OUT     (C),A
        EX      AF,AF'
        POP     AF
        EX      AF,AF'
        POP     IY
        POP     IX
        POP     HL
        POP     DE
        POP     BC
        POP     AF
; Cursor On
        LD      A,&CD
        LD      (CursorData),A
        LD      HL,StartCursor
        LD      (CursorData+ 1),HL
        LD      A,&C9
        LD      (CursorData+ 3),A
        CALL    RestoreScr   
        LD      A,&C9
        LD      (CursorData),A         
        LD      HL,#FFFF
        LD      (X1),HL                 ; Forcing cursor display
        LD      HL,0
        LD      (RestoreScr+1),HL       ; No former memory

        LD      A,0
        AND     A                       ; Driver already installed?
        RET     NZ                      ; If yes, does nothing
        INC     A
        LD      (IntOn+1),A             ; Indicates driver
        LD      HL,BlocEvent
        LD      DE,InterruptLoop
        LD      BC,#8100
        JP      #BCD7

        call cursordata
        call musicdata
; Set cursor position
        LD      E,(IX+0)
        LD      D,(IX+1)
        LD      L,(IX+2)
        LD      H,(IX+3)
        LD      (X),HL
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      (Y),HL

; Get cursor position
        LD      H,(IX+1)
        LD      L,(IX+0)
        LD      B,0
        LD      A,(Y)
        LD      (HL),A
        INC     HL
        LD      (HL),B
        LD      H,(IX+3)
        LD      L,(IX+2)
        LD      A,(X)
        LD      (HL),A
        INC     HL
        LD      (HL),B

        PUSH    AF
        PUSH    BC
        PUSH    DE
        PUSH    HL
        PUSH    IX
        LD      A,C
        SET     3,A                     ; cut upper ROM
        OUT     (C),A
        LD      HL,Y1
        LD      A,(Y)
        CP      (HL)
        JR      NZ,FctAff
        LD      HL,X1
        LD      A,(X)
        CP      (HL)
        JR      Z,DeplCurseur
        ; Move -> Display new cursor
        CALL    RestoreScr
        LD      A,(X)
        LD      (X1),A
        LD      E,A                     ; E = x
        LD      A,(Y)
        LD      (Y1),A
        LD      D,A                     ; D = y
        ; Adresse = #C000 + (Y/8)*80 + (Y-(Y/8)*8)*#800 + X/4
        SRL     E                       ; E = x/4
        AND     #F8
        LD      L,A                     ; HL = (y/8)*8
        LD      H,0
        LD      A,D
        LD      D,H                     ; D = 0
        SUB     L                       ; A = (y-(y/8)*8)
        ADD     HL,HL                   ; HL * 2
        LD      B,H
        LD      C,L                     ; BC = HL * 2
        ADD     HL,HL                   ; HL * 4
        ADD     HL,HL                   ; HL * 8
        ADD     HL,BC                   ; HL * 10 (y/8)*80
        ADD     HL,DE                   ; HL = HL + x/4
        RLA                             ; A = 8*(y-(y/8)*8)
        OR      #C0
        ADD     A,H
        LD      H,A

        LD      (RestoreScr+1),HL
        CALL    SavScrCurseur

        LD      A,(X)
        AND     #40                     ; Keep 1 bit (shifted right 2x = 40 #)
        LD      C,A
        LD      B,0
        LD      HL,SptCurseur1          ; Datas sprites arrow
        ADD     HL,BC                   ; Cursor 1 or 2
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      HL,(RestoreScr+1)             ; HL = address screen display
        CALL    AfficheCurseur          ; View
        XOR     A                       ; Code UP Cursorkey
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtHaut
        LD      A,#48                   ; Code UP Joystick
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtHaut

        LD      A,#02                   ; Code DOWN Cursorkey
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtBas
        LD      A,#49                   ; Code DOWN Joystick
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtBas

        LD      A,#01                   ; Code RIGHT Cursorkey
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtDroite
        LD      A,#4B                   ; Code RIGHT Joystick
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtDroite

        LD      A,#08                   ; Code LEFT Cursorkey
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtGauche
        LD      A,#4A                   ; Code LEFT Joystick
        CALL    #BB1E
        CALL    NZ,MvtGauche

        POP     IX
        POP     HL
        POP     DE
        POP     BC
        POP     AF

        LD      A,(Y)
        CP      186
        RET     NC
        ADD     A,2
        LD      (Y),A
        LD      A,(Y)
        CP      2
        RET     C
        SUB     2
        LD      (Y),A
        LD      A,(X)
        AND     A
        RET     Z
        DEC     A
        LD      (X),A
        LD      A,(X)
        CP      153
        RET     NC
        INC     A
        LD      (X),A

        LD      DE,BuffFleche
        LD      A,14
        LD      BC,#7FC
        ADD     HL,BC
        JR      NC,SavScrCurseur3
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        DEC     A
        JR      NZ,SavScrCurseur2

        LD      HL,0
        LD      A,H
        OR      L
        RET     Z
        LD      DE,BuffFleche
        LD      A,14
        EX      DE,HL
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      BC,#7FC
        ADD     HL,BC
        JR      NC,RestoreScr3
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        DEC     A
        JR      NZ,RestoreScr2

        DB      #DD : LD H,14
        LD      B,4
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      A,(HL)                  ; Reading data sprites
        LD      C,#55
        AND     C
        JR      Z,AfficheCurseur4
        LD      C,0
        LD      A,(HL)
        AND     #AA
        JR      NZ,AfficheCurseur5
        LD      A,C
        OR      #AA
        LD      C,A
        LD      A,(DE)                  ; Reading mem. screen
        AND     C
        OR      (HL)
        LD      (DE),A
        INC     HL
        INC     DE
        DJNZ    AfficheCurseur3
        EX      DE,HL
        LD      BC,#7FC
        ADD     HL,BC
        JR      NC,AfficheCurseur6
        LD      BC,#C050
        ADD     HL,BC
        DB      #DD : DEC H
        JR      NZ,AfficheCurseur2

        XOR     A
        LD      (BclLzw+1),A
        LD      A,(HL)
        INC     HL
        RRA                         ; Turnover calculation flag C
        SET     7,A                 ; Set bit 7 keeping flag C
        LD      (BclLzw+1),A
        JR      C,TstCodeLzw
        LD      A,0
        RR      A                   ; Flags rotation calculation with C and Z
        LD      (BclLzw+1),A
        JR      Z,TstBitLzw
        JR      NC,CopByteLzw

;       a = inbuffer[ inbytes ];
        LD      A,(HL)
        AND     A
; More bytes to process
; = end
        RET     Z

        INC     HL
        LD      B,A                     ; B = inbuffer[ inbytes ]
        JR      NC,TstLzw40
;       length = 3 + ( ( inbuffer[ inbytes ] >> 4 ) & 7 );
;       index = ( inbuffer[ inbytes++ ] & 15 ) << 8;
;       index |= inbuffer[ inbytes++ ];
;       index++;
        LD      C,(HL)                  ; C = low index
        AND     7
        ADD     A,3
        PUSH    HL
        LD      H,A                     ; H = length
        LD      A,B                     ; B = inbuffer[inbytes]
        AND     #0F
        LD      B,A                     ; B = poids fort index
        LD      A,H                     ; A = Length
        LD      H,D
        LD      L,E
        SCF                             ; Re-position flag C
        SBC     HL,BC                   ; HL=HL-(BC-1)
        LD      B,0
        LD      C,A
        POP     HL
        INC     HL
        JR      BclLzw
        JR      NC,TstLzw20
;       length = 2;
;       index = inbuffer[ inbytes++ ] & 0x3f;
;       index++;
        LD      C,B
        RES     6,C
        LD      B,0         ; BC = index -1, without +1 car flag C = 1
        PUSH    HL
        LD      H,D
        LD      L,E
        SBC     HL,BC
        POP     HL
        JR      BclLzw
        JR      NC,TstLzw10
;       length = 2 + ( inbuffer[ inbytes++ ] & 31 );
;       index = inbuffer[ inbytes++ ];
;       index++;
        PUSH    HL
        LD      A,B
        RES     5,A
        LD      C,(HL)                  ; C = index
        LD      B,0
        LD      H,D
        LD      L,E
        SBC     HL,BC
        ADD     A,2
        LD      C,A                     ; C = length
        POP     HL
        INC     HL
        JR      BclLzw

        JR      NC,CodeLzw0F
;       index = ( inbuffer[ inbytes++ ] & 15 ) << 8;
;       index |= inbuffer[ inbytes++ ];
;       length = inbuffer[ inbytes++ ] + 1;
;       index++;
        RES     4,B                     ; B = index(high)
        LD      C,(HL)                  ; C = index(low)
        INC     HL
        LD      A,(HL)                  ; A = length - 1
        PUSH    HL
        LD      H,D
        LD      L,E
        SBC     HL,BC                   ; Flag C=1 -> hl=hl-(bc+1)
        LD      B,0
        LD      C,A
        INC     BC                      ; BC = length
        POP     HL
        INC     HL
        JR      BclLzw
        LD      C,(HL)
        PUSH    HL
        LD      H,D
        LD      L,E
        LD      A,B
        CP      #0F
        JR      NZ,CodeLzw02
;       length = index = inbuffer[ inbytes + 1 ] + 1;
;       inbytes += 2;
        XOR     A
        LD      B,A
        INC     BC
        SBC     HL,BC
        POP     HL
        INC     HL
        JP      BclLzw
        CP      2
        JR      C,CodeLzw01
;       length = index = inbuffer[ inbytes ];
        LD      C,A
        XOR     A
        LD      B,A
        SBC     HL,BC
        POP     HL
        JP      BclLzw
;       length = index = 256;
CodeLzw01:                              ; here, A = B = 1
        XOR     A
        LD      C,A
        DEC     H
        POP     HL
        JP      BclLzw

        DB      #C0, #C0, #00, #00, #90, #60, #00, #00
        DB      #90, #65, #00, #00, #C0, #20, #00, #00
        DB      #C0, #80, #00, #00, #C0, #90, #00, #00
        DB      #C5, #C0, #00, #00, #80, #CA, #20, #00
        DB      #8A, #40, #80, #00, #00, #45, #90, #00
        DB      #00, #00, #C0, #80, #00, #00, #CA, #8A
        DB      #00, #00, #40, #00, #00, #00, #45, #00

; Here for 8 bytes alignment on 64 bytes
        DB      40
        DB      100
        DB      0
        DB      0

        DB      0
        DB      0
        DB      0
        DB      0

; Cursor shift one pixel to the right
        DB      #40, #C0, #80, #00, #40, #30, #80, #00
        DB      #40, #30, #8A, #00, #40, #90, #00, #00
        DB      #40, #C0, #00, #00, #40, #C0, #20, #00
        DB      #40, #CA, #80, #00, #40, #45, #90, #00
        DB      #45, #00, #C0, #00, #00, #00, #CA, #20
        DB      #00, #00, #40, #C0, #00, #00, #45, #C5
        DB      #00, #00, #00, #80, #00, #00, #00, #8A

        DS      56       

        LD HL,&C5B0      ;HL is 'adr' variable
        LD C,51          ;Rows

        PUSH HL
        LD B,&30
        LD A,&0

        LD (HL),A
        INC HL
        DJNZ clear_line
        POP HL
        CALL &BC26      ;SCR_NEXT_LINE
        DEC C
        JR NZ,clear_area

        LD hl,BoxSprite
        LD (ix+0),l
        LD (ix+1),h
        JP DepkShp

    LD A,1
    CALL &BC0E
    CALL &BD1C
        LD hl,ArrowSprite
        LD (ix+0),l
        LD (ix+1),h
        JP DepkShp

        ; Double Arrow & Box data
        DB &48,&08,&4C,&2E,&0C,&00,&00,&02,&02,&44,&44,&CD,&D8,&E7,&24,&09
        DB &06,&07,&D8,&CD,&58,&26,&0B,&21,&22,&80,&C8,&9A,&90,&CF,&E5,&3C
        DB &CD,&02,&15,&02,&CC,&23,&13,&CC,&23,&0B,&3C,&E5,&CF,&08,&90,&9A
        DB &C8,&23,&2A,&88,&88,&DA,&D5,&80,&65,&E0,&30,&30,&C0,&C0,&3F,&02
        DB &55,&21,&03,&FF,&23,&26,&FF,&25,&0D,&C0,&58,&E0,&98,&65,&D5,&DA
        DB &64,&22,&14,&A0,&AA,&6A,&B0,&CF,&FF,&0A,&AA,&02,&02,&AA,&23,&26
        DB &22,&AA,&23,&0B,&0A,&FF,&CF,&62,&AA,&A0,&39,&2A,&86,&A0,&AA,&31
        DB &9B,&28,&22

        DB &00,&A0,&06,&B9,&E0,&B0,&20,&65,&8A,&CF,&02,&04,&08,&CB,&04,&55
        DB &B0,&45,&00,&00,&02,&04,&73,&08,&06,&45,&CF,&0F,&19,&0F,&33,&0F
        DB &19,&70,&E8,&9A,&10,&CF,&45,&45,&04,&08,&04,&05,&55,&70,&00,&00


        DS      16
        DB &01,&36,&04,&47,&CC,&00,&00,&02,&02,&45,&45,&24,&07,&26,&0D,&F0
        DB &CA,&CA,&C0,&CF,&45,&02,&04,&02,&80,&8A,&8A,&C5,&C5,&60,&60,&C0
        DB &44,&63,&02,&04,&C5,&CF,&CF,&22,&25,&21,&15,&CF,&03,&2A,&35,&00
        DB &07,&3E,&0A,&50,&9C,&00,&00,&02,&04,&03,&45,&45,&08,&87,&02,&04
        DB &03,&CF,&C0,&CA,&CA,&22,&16,&70,&CF,&CF,&C5,&C5,&02,&04,&02,&C0
        DB &A4,&60,&60,&44,&8A,&8A,&29,&38,&CF,&2C,&0E,&01,&00,&04,&58,&07
        DB &68,&84,&00,&00,&02,&45,&45,&CA,&CF,&22,&07,&C2,&00,&25,&0C,&CA
        DB &90,&90,&C0,&44,&02,&07,&04,&4E,&52,&8A,&8A,&C5,&C5,&C0,&FE,&CF
        DB &45,&02,&03,&26,&27,&0A,&27,&3A,&00,&02,&6D,&07,&7F,&9C,&00,&00
        DB &02,&04,&03,&45,&45,&29,&0C,&C1,&23,&0F,&45,&CF,&C0,&CA,&CA,&23
        DB &16,&49,&03,&48,&02,&CF,&CF,&C5,&C5,&C5,&C0,&64,&60,&60,&44,&8A
        DB &8A,&4B,&48,&C5,&EC,&CF,&8A,&22,&28,&55,&8A,&23,&07,&53,&5C,&FF
        DB &21,&23,&21,&37,&03,&06,&21,&14,&5B,&03,&22,&38,&0F,&03,&02,&5E
        DB &00,&01,&65,&05,&6E,&C0,&00,&00,&45,&45,&CA,&CA,&43,&47,&C0,&8A
        DB &8A,&C5,&C5,&60,&60,&43,&47,&E1,&4B,&CF,&CF,&C0,&C0,&43,&47,&0A
        DB &1D,&22,&0B,&8A,&22,&1A,&24,&0A,&00,&06,&65,&0A,&6E,&00,&00,&00
        DB &45,&45,&CA,&CA,&CF,&45,&C3,&47,&02,&CF,&CF,&C0,&C0,&43,&0A,&81
        DB &47,&8A,&8A,&C5,&C5,&60,&60,&43,&0F,&47,&22,&15,&06
        DS      4

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release



What is your problem with the inventory ? How to code in memory informations about the object ? How to manage the sprite objects in the inventory window ? That's not quite clear :-).



Quote from: TomEtJerry on 14:22, 15 August 09

What is your problem with the inventory ? How to code in memory informations about the object ? How to manage the sprite objects in the inventory window ? That's not quite clear :-).


All of them  ::)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


As you can see, no further feedback is here.
Project cancelled.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 15:50, 16 October 09
As you can see, no further feedback is here.
Project cancelled.

Hmmm.. maybe you should reconsider..

Because its a nice project..

But it is very unclear what exactly you need help for?????

Maybe you could be more specific?



I need help for creating the inventory and it's routine (handling, pick up/drop things, use objects etc...)
I only have sprites for them. But they must work like an inventory. (Interactivity)
I also think, BASIC ram is too low to create it.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 16:18, 16 October 09
I need help for creating the inventory and it's routine (handling, pick up/drop things, use objects etc...)
I only have sprites for them. But they must work like an inventory. (Interactivity)
I also think, BASIC ram is too low to create it.

So it's not actually a BASIC job - am i right? More like an RSX solution?

Is the sprites for the inventory items stored in the 2nd 64kb of the 6128. How many items do you want the inventory to hold?



Quote from: CPCLER on 21:11, 16 October 09
So it's not actually a BASIC job - am i right? More like an RSX solution?

Is the sprites for the inventory items stored in the 2nd 64kb of the 6128. How many items do you want the inventory to hold?


The RSX is already written.
Sprites are compacted and in different banks.
Screens - C0, C1
Sprites: C6
Music + player: C7

This can be different. I first must think about a new code for the game engine (BASIC) but this I can do forst, when I've got a solution for the inventory routine.

Ca. 150 items.
Sprites + calling them to screen = RSX
logic for inventory should be in BASIC. The logic must know:
- Sprite's address
- Item's properties (weight, size, eatable/not, carryable/not etc....)

Maybe I will re-code the most parts in BASIC so that I can use more free ram for it.
Sure is:
Each "Room" will have it's own BASIC-file. (Using CHAIN MERGE...) and each Room will have different entry points, depends on from which area you entered.

The inventory items must be useable in all rooms. Where 1 room has info for items, which are @ beginning in this room, and which the user can pick up.

Dropped items must be stored in the room, where you dropped them (logical)

Easiest way will be to use room numbers. (Each room has a number, 0-50 for example)
So we could do with inventory, too:
0 - in hand
1 - in room 1
2... etc..
51 - disappeared/unavailable
Or similar.

Also, it must be possible to combine items, use axe on wood etc...

Hard way.
The rooms itself need only info about:
- is there a monster in?
- In which directions the player can turn? (north, east, south, west, up/down)
- address for GFX for the sides (1 room has 1 GFX file, with different scenes in, normally 4 GFX for 1 room)
and some more... Like mouse-click-areas etc... But this will be easy to implement.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


I am still not sure what you want:

Okay so if there are 150 distinct items... Each item can have 3 states:

Placed in a room.
In the players inventory.

This means the the object to room mapping and inventory will take up 1200 bytes.

Each record will look like this and could be placed in a bank:

; Datastructure for inventory
; eg.
; ITEM#1
;         DB defaultRoomNo,RoomNo,taken,visible:DW spriteAdr
; ITEM#2
;         DB defaultRoomNo,RoomNo,taken,visible:DW spriteAdr
;         ..
; ITEM#150
;         .. Structure size for inventory 150 items (8*150) = 1200 bytes

defaultRoomNo - Where an item first occurs (needed for initialisation purposes)
RoomNo - Which room number the items is currently located (When not in the players inventory)
taken - True/False (in the players inventory or not!)
visible - True/False(Visible to the player or not!)
spriteAdr - Address of sprite date (Needed for displaying icon for item)

RSX Commands could be made to accomodate the usage of the inventory (But again this is not a BASIC job)

|noitems,@i%               ; Number of items in inventory
|showinventory,from% ; Display inventory from inventory item.
|getitem,x%,y%,@i%   ; Get item no from displayed at screen coords x,y

well something like that!


PS. Are you avare that there are differences in the calling conventions to RSX commands between the 464 / 6128...

Quote from: Devilmarkus on 21:37, 16 October 09
The RSX is already written.
Sprites are compacted and in different banks.
Screens - C0, C1
Sprites: C6
Music + player: C7

This can be different. I first must think about a new code for the game engine (BASIC) but this I can do forst, when I've got a solution for the inventory routine.

Ca. 150 items.
Sprites + calling them to screen = RSX
logic for inventory should be in BASIC. The logic must know:
- Sprite's address
- Item's properties (weight, size, eatable/not, carryable/not etc....)

Maybe I will re-code the most parts in BASIC so that I can use more free ram for it.
Sure is:
Each "Room" will have it's own BASIC-file. (Using CHAIN MERGE...) and each Room will have different entry points, depends on from which area you entered.

The inventory items must be useable in all rooms. Where 1 room has info for items, which are @ beginning in this room, and which the user can pick up.

Dropped items must be stored in the room, where you dropped them (logical)

Easiest way will be to use room numbers. (Each room has a number, 0-50 for example)
So we could do with inventory, too:
0 - in hand
1 - in room 1
2... etc..
51 - disappeared/unavailable
Or similar.

Also, it must be possible to combine items, use axe on wood etc...

Hard way.
The rooms itself need only info about:
- is there a monster in?
- In which directions the player can turn? (north, east, south, west, up/down)
- address for GFX for the sides (1 room has 1 GFX file, with different scenes in, normally 4 GFX for 1 room)
and some more... Like mouse-click-areas etc... But this will be easy to implement.


Hi Markus

Ah.. I see the preview.. The game seems to be in a pretty advanced stage, a pity to abandon it now!

BTW. I think the attached .dsk is currupt. Also why is the the files hidden and the basic program protected.

It's pretty anoying when one want to see how much space the different part take and how things are done!


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 20:59, 31 July 09
Hi together,
as some of you know, I begun to code the RPG game "Elvira - Mistress of the Dark" for CPC 6128.


For this project I need help from coders.
(I want to finish it...)

If someone is interested in this, please contact me.



Quote from: CPCLER on 11:57, 17 October 09
Hi Markus

Ah.. I see the preview.. The game seems to be in a pretty advanced stage, a pity to abandon it now!

BTW. I think the attached .dsk is currupt. Also why is the the files hidden and the basic program protected.

It's pretty anoying when one want to see how much space the different part take and how things are done!


The DSK is not corrupt. It's Parados formatted (420k)
Some files are hidden, yes.
Also some have protection attribute.
This is not my developer dsk.
The developer dsk was destroyed by emulator. (No, I dont write the emulators name here, but it was not mine ;) )

Let me first create a few new dsk, with a more memory friendly BASIC part.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


I think it'd be a shame for the project to be cancelled... it's so ambitious and beautiful!


Hi, I cast "raise dead" on this topic.

I am at the moment trying to figure how to do a RPG too.

Not easy.

I even believe a proper RPG may be the hardest game to do in fact.

Most were more 16 bit than 8 bit (Might and magic 3 as a prime exemple in my mind)

And if well done graphically, and with a shitton of stuff and items.
This really is a nightmare if you aim at a "dungeons and dragon" or "Warhammer" party management/fight ruleset (it's conbining strategic games, wargames and roleplay/adventure)

So I have few questions concerning your Elvira project.

I remember seeing it on an Amiga.

Look like an adventure game more than a RPG ?

What was the aim of your Games format ?

4-64 or 6-64 or 6-128 ?

Oh yeah, 6128 (I re-read the posts)

Concerning Items in Elvira.
How is it supposed to work ?

Is it an open system with item classes like : weapons, armour, key, gold, quest item ?
each with statistic depending of their class (weapons may have different characteristics or bonus/malus on combats...

while keys or quest item may have only 1 fonction in the game and then vanish when properly used.

Or is it more something like Monkey Isqland : items are all part as a point and click, you just collect them to use them at certain moments/event or combinate them properly to go further through enigms.

Ok, it's a typical Monkey island like item management.

Concerning the "150-200" items.
Well are they all stored in memory always, then just put them in diverses "active state" or "inactive state" depending if you collected them or used them ? (fixed item list)
Or do the game load them when needed ? (variable item list)

Disk enable more frequent loading, so less need to store "unusefull at the moment" datas.

And having 128Ko RAM (2x64) enable a lot more ease to storage datas while still being usable on a large part of Amstrad 8 bit standard machines.

Yet such a game seems quite heavy even for the engine only.

Yes C64 managed a lot, I often wonder how.
The graphics formats may have been simpler than on CPC (hard sprites are 3-1 colours only, lots or implemented hardware functions so less need to developp a big software for effects and so on.

on CPC (and even on Plus) all is softwared and graphics are heavy bitches.
Yes we have almost 4mHz yet while a simple hardware setting enable to move a cursor/pointer thx to a hardsprite, on cpc you have to create a whole subprogramm.

in this I believe a smooth mouse like pointer is not a proper solution for any CPC game (unless you enable a real mouse) :
--it's slow and painfull to use.
--it's probably heavy for the system as it requires an animated masked sprite, and some kind of colision detector to understand it is pointing on a button/option/menu selection/item

a full Keyboard shortcuts system may be better IMO, or some sort of menu browse/selection without a free pointer, yet if you need to "point and click"  at pixels in the image (Monkey island like game...) well...maybe limiting it only to the "environment representation" windows ?

Yet a nice way to deal with Amstrad's specifities is to re-think the gameplay a bit.
This is not incompatible with a properly 16bit-ported game.

Yet aiming a 16bit-perfect port may be some kind of unrealistic goal.
Despite heavier Graphical data format, the 16 bit computers were also heavily Ram supllied.
512Ko Ram+720Ko discs was the common setting.
To enable 16bit "perfect" ports, and amstrad should need in fact 256ko Ram and Disk.

Why 256Ko ?
8 bit is half 16 bit, 256Ko is half 512Ko.
But we all know amstrad was cheap on

so the best we can do is to use 6128 format  to get properly realised pseudo 16bit RPG/Adventure/point and click games.
And remember CPC don't really have mouse as a standard option.

So simply getting rid of it can simplify a lot and then lighten the program/engine.

I love to think that Heroquest would have been better if not using a pseudo smooth mouse like pointer.
only getting a highlight selected option/button and using Joy/keys to select/browse them.

(on another note, heroquest would have been greater also if it were recoloured in a Head over heels fashion instead of this shitty monoblue+useless grey)

Also concerning the actions menu.
lots of option there.

a simpler actions list may be workable.
9 different options seems a max to me, as it then allow the use of the Fonctions key on CPC (F1 to F9).

"F0" &  " . " & arrows keys may then be used for options such as moovement managements.

And Item selection, well, 2 key to browse the different 12 items "pages", and perhapes also 4 keys+space bar to enable the selection.

Concerning actions menu, it can be greatly simplfied.

open/close is the same action indeed, as something closed would be optend and something opened would be closed.
Lock and unlock too.

one action can be needed to simply switch the state of said object.

lookin and exam seems also to be the same stuff.

other simplification concerning the pointer :
instead of a smooth pixel per pixel, just use a case by case one.

Yes there is no more the possibility to put the famous "only one pixel zone" to pass this enigm, yet this shit was so anoying in point&clicks...

If the item combinaisons is well done, this is quite enough for the game to be fun and interesting.

Also the game seems to need a "text bar".
I mean when you select an item, its name needs to appear written somewhere as the mode0 is you know... to simply know what and item is by just seeing it.

another aspect is : what is the maximum number of item the player may have in the game ?

Some items are there only to be stored a little time to be used at a specific moment and then "disappear" (sort of).
Or some are to be mixed so they also disappear as such while onother take place (2 objects turned into one only...)
or other may be then dispatched into more Item (broken stuff ?).
others are to be used all along the game (perhaps weapons ?) yet I don't think you end the game with 200 items in your stack.

As a result, there is probably no need to put all items in Ram (despite being compressed data) every time.

The disk can act as some kind of harddisc drive and a limited data transfer/writing can occur more often perhaps.
Why puting Graphic data of an item that you will get at the end of the game in the Ram when you are starting the game ?

So anayse the possible maximum actual amount of stacked items and set it as the potential Ram/datas actually needed.

Then go search more into the disc when needed only.

As a result, knowing how you manage the Game engine-Disk management is important to know.


Many questions in 1 thread :D

To make the game better understandable how it works,
please download it and play.
I made 4 different versions runnable on Windows.

To give you the download URL please write me a PM.

Some infos about game (engine):
- I merge parts of basic code together, each room should have it's own basic file.
  (CHAIN MERGE"blah",2000)
- 128k are required!
- Engine needs completely to be rewritten (simple)
- I use RSX commands to put screens, sprites, cursor, play music etc...
  (Music and cursor are interrupt driven! Cursor returns X/Y coordinates when press fire/space, Music plays from ram bank &C7)
- I want the CPC version as close as possible to the original game
  (But I will not use all spells and items like the original, because you dont need them all to solve the game)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release




I also found a complete youtube video of the entire game.
interesting, and I downloaded the outlet, the solution and so on, i'll give it a look, but as I suck at coding, I won't be of any help on this matter.

I could see it was indeed a proper RPG and not a point and click only game.

Yet this one seems very heavy on loadings in 16 bit games.

and the 2nd game :


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 13:16, 17 October 09
The developer dsk was destroyed by emulator. (No, I dont write the emulators name here, but it was not mine ;) )

Oh shit! Yes, this sounds like WinApe strikes again!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


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