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Is it a Fake ?

Started by MacDeath, 11:04, 17 May 10

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I think its fake, as Amstrad owned sole rights to its french distribution. I don't ever recall Amstrad selling this model.


Of course they didn't - Amstrad went out of the PC business well before the appearance of MMX! SOmone using their name... I like the name, though - CPC6233 :D I'd think they'd at least upgrade the 6 to possibly an 8 to denote a CD drive? And with 32MB of memory it should be 832768 :D


The man who posted this picture somewhere (I can't find the link...) said this was an advertisement in the SVM magazine (Science & Vie Micro) .

Also it seems if this only existed, that this could have been an Amstrad France only operation, as it is said to be assembled in France.


Quote from: MacDeath on 21:18, 18 May 10
The man who posted this picture somewhere (I can't find the link...) said this was an advertisement in the SVM magazine (Science & Vie Micro) .

Also it seems if this only existed, that this could have been an Amstrad France only operation, as it is said to be assembled in France.

Sure would like to get to the bottom of this... personally i think its a fake. As Amstrad france was run by Sugar himself after the PC2000 problem.


this is wherre I found this (in french).

the internet page dates back from 2004...and the guy claim that it is a 1998 magazine.

And we must remenber that in 1998 it was quite easy to by PC parts, assemble them and re-brand them.

Many supermarket chain do it....

But the solution would perhaps be to find complete scans of SVM magazines from 1998, just to verify or contact the guy who put this.


I've seen quite a few 'Amstrad' labelled products, all kinds of strange things, appear on Ebay  .... anything from kitchen stuff to TV games, seemingly a lot from Italy and released within the last 10 years.

I guess Amstrad might be making a little money on the side slapping their name on and reselling various electrical goods in some Euro territories? It's the sort of thing they did in the 80's anyway!  :P


This is a well-known fact. I have a photo from a friend's house, where I saw an Amstrad bread-maker sitting in the kitchen :D


Quote from: Xyphoe on 08:13, 25 May 10
I've seen quite a few 'Amstrad' labelled products, all kinds of strange things, appear on Ebay [...] I guess Amstrad might be making a little   money on the side slapping their name on and reselling various electrical goods
It's probably to prevent their trademarks from falling out of use in certain categories. Even where they wouldn't need it anymore most of the time, they may still want to keep the rights on their balance sheets - and prevent others from seeing the brand as up for grabs in ways that might impact on its value.
Low-end Commodore gear (office items in the price range of pocket calculators) has also popped up every few years since the last Amiga, probably for similar reasons.


Every morning I rise and shine to the sweet beeping noise of my Amstrad labeled clockradio  ... Found it on a carboot sale a few years back  .. I simply had to own it!  :D


Quote from: Gryzor on 15:45, 25 May 10
This is a well-known fact. I have a photo from a friend's house, where I saw an Amstrad bread-maker sitting in the kitchen :D


The Commodore name must have been resold like 600 times. I still have some "commodore"  brand DVD-R somewhere that i got simply because of the name.

Amstrad hasnt been sold, so i guess they have had less wild range of products to show.


I'd like a calculator with the Commodore brand. Don't forget that Tramiel begun with typewriters and moved on to calculators...


So basically, nobody knows if this is fake or not? What I can say, is that Amstrad UK are starting to do well again. I've heard a recent rumour that Rupert Murdoch wants to make the brand a household name again. Could this mean Amstrad are gonna re-enter the computer / console arena??? 


1.It's fake, I think we all agreed on that!
2.You base this on the fact that Amstrad brands and sells toasters and bread makers? :D
3.How 'getting Amstrad to become a household name" means entering the computer/console arena is totally beyond me... 8)


I want a toaster 6128+ with 3" bread maker and 2 alarm-clock-controllers
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Gryzor on 21:44, 04 June 10
1.It's fake, I think we all agreed on that!
2.You base this on the fact that Amstrad brands and sells toasters and bread makers? :D
3.How 'getting Amstrad to become a household name" means entering the computer/console arena is totally beyond me... 8)

Well, not in the same sense as 'Hoover', but a new computer product, or appliance could be a success under the current conditions. Nobody has any money at the moment, perfect conditions for an Amstrad invasion. If Apple can come back from the brink, why can't amstrad?



Because Amstrad lacks the marketing clout... Remember the em@iler...

Btw, anyone has one? I'd certainly love to have one...


But Sky, Amstrad's new owners don't. So watch this space. They have all the marketing clout in the world.


So, because a media outlet decides to integrate vertically it means they'll somehow flood the market with new, exciting (and altogether irrelevant to their core business) products? Nahhhhhh!

Still, I'd buy an Amstrad bread maker as long as it had the old logo on it :D


It would have to bake an Amstrad Logo in the bread too though! Then I'll take one too :)



QuoteBecause Amstrad lacks the marketing clout... Remember the em@iler...
the one with the nice pair ?

[youtube=jcl9zP2o_Dk]nice pair[/youtube]

Oh no, this is the video Phone.

Also isn't the Emailer a Speccy clone actually ?

QuoteStill, I'd buy an Amstrad bread maker as long as it had the old logo on   it
Personnally, it would depend which CRTC it is...

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