
Well my new a600 works a treat. I grabbed a great original game for it too!

Started by CraigsBar, 17:09, 03 October 15

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Quote from: Gryzor on 18:20, 10 October 15
I love that little machine!
Yeah, me too. I just wonder what might have been different if I had bought one instead of the 6128plus back in the day.

The 600 seems much more friendly than the 1200.
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When I was I kid I was literally dreaming with having an Amiga. It never came to be, though, and I used the CPC until 1995, when I finally bought a Pentium 75. I am quite sure that I would have enjoyed it like crazy but, on the other hand, I would probably not be here posting if I would have had one  :picard: .


Indeed. I could have got an a600 and had to find an rgb cable for my ctm640 or get a 6128plus and keep all my games. I chose to keep the games!
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Got a nice case. Maybe I can convince TotO to get a eZ80 in and an Amstrad label on it.  :laugh:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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