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Thomson is back in Computer bizness...

Started by MacDeath, 21:54, 03 May 15

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remember the badass awessomness of MO5 / TO7 /MO6 / TO8 and so on ?

Ok, Thomson is back to computers, they try to do a MacBook "void" running on Windows and somewhat made in France (as much as are the Mac... conceived only... not actually manufactured...)

You loved those :

You'll crave for this :

Can't wait for Amstrad to come back the same way.

Vive la France !!!
Cocorico !!!

funily :

Old Thomson TO7 :

New Thomson TEO7 :

note that the old one was also touchscreen via the lightpen... really...

Post Edit : I think it is still Thomson... you know, they still somewhat exist.
A propos | THOMSON Computing
But yeah, was probably bought back by others, that's capitalism you know... and many sub-divisions (TV, dishwashers and so on...)


Did someone just buy the name or is there a real link to the original company?



Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


QuoteTHOMSON is back into the computing world with new ranges of tablets, computers, storage devices and computer accessories. All these ranges are based on the experience of the THOMSON brand in IT, especially with the renowned T07 and M05 launched in the 80s.
This new generation of products is now at the forefront of technology with HD IPS display, the latest generation of chipsets and various innovations such as the 2 in 1 computer dual boot (Android / Windows 8) and the OTG USB flash drives which can be connected to tablets and smartphones.
The availability of the product ranges and the availability of the products in these ranges are different according the countries

I hope they will make more about the good old Thomson 8bit computers adventure...

Will they re-release some TO8 on a chip, with added AY (at last) and full retro compatibility... and nano-réseaux... (nano-network).

Just a nice reminder :
Thomson - CPCWiki

Yeah, French pride in Hi tech audacy...
Leon Zitrone, TGV and Thomson, welcome back to glorious Mitterrand's reign...


Thomson computers looked like they had pretty good keyboards.


Quote from: McKlain on 23:51, 03 May 15
Thomson computers looked like they had pretty good keyboards.

Not the TO7 (on which i kinda grew up at school before  getting an Amstrad at home).
Brain Radioactivity


There are a lot of french who knows well thomson, with the state policy : "IPT" Aka "Informatique Pour Tous" --> Computing for everybody  :laugh:
Every french school of the 80's were equipped with these computers.  Ahh memories  :laugh:


Owner of the "Thomson" brand is TCL, which also owns the rights for "Schneider" (remnants of Computer Division) by the way.
Schneider CPC 664 • X-MEM • Vortex F1-X Drive • CTM 644 • DMP 2160
Schneider CPC 6128 • Z-MEM • M4 Board • MultiPlay + Amiga Mouse • OSSC


Ok so Basically Thomson is a just sub brand to penetrate french market...  :(

At least they give use some sort of respect by continuing the legacy... somewhat.

Will they release a proper soundcard for MO/TO computers at last ? :D

concerning the "good quality of keyboards"...

Yeah, the later models MO6/TO8 aren't bad, were actually good computer provided they could get a proper soundcard, which wasn't available actually.

The White Apple like design, with the yellow/grey/white keys is actually not bad looking.

earlier models were gummy shits or even worst (TO7... ouch)

TO8D is really a cool machine to have and it could kick serious Asses with an equivalent to Play-citY soundcard.

who does own Olivetti now ?


A short research says Telecom Italia owns Olivetti now.

Pulkomandy's Thomsons this year and last year at the Forever party left quite a nice impression.
The keyboards were nice, and I like the fact that the French insisted on the SCART interface for computers sold in France.

Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


you meant PERITEL ?  :P

But yeah, As I always say, MO6 and TO8(D) are fine pieces of retro-fun provided you are deaf or nostalgic of PC/Speccy48...



SCART = Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et Téléviseurs (Radio and Television Receiver Manufacturers' Association, en authentique bouffeur de grenouilles dans le texte!)

The difference : SCART being usually the denomination for the plug/connector whereas "Péri-télévision" being the name of the norm for multiple and heterogeneous signal availability at TV input/output.

Quote from: MacDeath on 22:32, 04 May 15
you meant PERITEL ?  :P


I've taken a look at their new laptops, but I'm going to wait until their second generation gets released with more memory and a larger palette. I'm not going to get fooled by them like I was in the 80's! :D

The next one will probably include a built in disk drive!



TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


3" Of course!  ;D  Twin slim drives for me!

Oh, by the way, isn't the comparison between the thomson and the mac book a bit... biased? They only highlight the better features of thomson and that the mac is more expensive, but they don't say that the mac's screen is way better.


what's wrong with this monitor ?


I love the old machines even if I haven't ever seen one up close. When the significant other visits France I always try to convince her to find one for me but meh...

The laptop looks nice enough, for sure.


Quote from: robcfg on 19:32, 05 May 15
Oh, by the way, isn't the comparison between the thomson and the mac book a bit... biased? They only highlight the better features of thomson and that the mac is more expensive, but they don't say that the mac's screen is way better.

Haha, that's what I thought too.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


concerning the biased comparison, the thomson can actually be plugged into another monitor... so... and what's the point to have such big resolution on a 12" monitor with close to no proper video card and no way to run proper video/graphic application?

That new (ish) Thomson laptop that was put up in the first post looks like like some poor mans "Lenovo" rip-off.


Quote from: robcfg on 19:32, 05 May 15Oh, by the way, isn't the comparison between the thomson and the mac book a bit... biased?

Yeah, because beating an iProduct in a value-for-money side-by-side comparison with any contemporary competitor is reaaaaaaaally hard  ::)

Anyone care to put a side-by-side comparison of a B&W 1984 Apple Macintosh with a 1985 Commodore Amiga or Atari ST, for good measure?  ;D

Kevin Quinn

I got a Thomson MO5 NR is a computer haul the other day.  No PSU so I've not been able to test it but it looks like decent bit of kit


A part of my Thomson collection ...


QuoteAnyone care to put a side-by-side comparison of a B&W 1984 Apple Macintosh with a 1985 Commodore Amiga or Atari ST, for good measure?
or even a simple PCW...  ;D


Quote from: TrainingForUtopia on 19:18, 07 September 15
A part of my Thomson collection ...

I never had one myself but I remember typing basic code at the shop on a TO9 when I was a kid, helped by an old guy to draw nice stuff on screen. Very cool machine. I want more and more to get the smaller TO8 now. (or the cool TO8D) I wonder about hxc, or maybe another system, I saw mo5sd.. What do you you use?

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