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Terminator: Genisys

Started by Morn, 17:05, 10 July 15

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Your thoughts on the movie, in Arnie catchphrases...

"You're terminated"... if you dislike this movie. It was absolutely great!
1 (11.1%)
"I'll be back!"... to see the next installment. It was nice.
3 (33.3%)
"Hasta la vista, baby", it was OK, but no more sequels to this mess please.
3 (33.3%)
"Ged doo dah choppah!", the movie was so bad I walked out.
1 (11.1%)
"Where– Are- My- Dragons?", and WTF was Doctor Who doing in this?
1 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 9


Time to rate this movie. It's so techy and retro. Anyone else notice the Apple II in the lab in 1984?  :D

Please note that his thread may contain spoilers.


Luckily my kidbrother had warned me: "Don't watch the 2nd trailer!!!!!"
So I didn't. And that was good.

I thought the movie was much better than I expected. But I can easily see how the 2nd trailer would have ruined the experience.


only in Holywood movies you see serious things using Apples.

according to trailers, in the dark future they don't believe in tactical helmets, especially when trying a direct Man assault on a fucking modern wardrone army in plain uncovered area.

Seriously even 1 century ago they were massively equipping the soldiers with those and it increaded survivality by +100%... at least... (was still low)

this said, I hate the way hollywood can't do more than recycling old gimmicks... they just copypaste things by now.

Can't wait for Batman (daredevil ?) Vs SuperMan /wonderwoman/justice league / dawn of wankfest / the Bat preptime of doom / the Kryptonite dildo incident...

Freaking  one armed GreenArrow out of nowhere to save the day.


Quote from: mr_lou on 17:12, 10 July 15
Luckily my kidbrother had warned me: "Don't watch the 2nd trailer!!!!!"
So I didn't. And that was good.

I thought the movie was much better than I expected. But I can easily see how the 2nd trailer would have ruined the experience.
In my case, the spoilers in the trailers actually increased my interest in the movie. Because when I saw John Connor would be the main baddie this time, I understood why they cast the very evil-looking Jason Clarke to play him. So I was thinking, cool, at least now the casting choices make sense after all. And no Terminator movie can ever be worse than "Salvation" anyway, so what's the risk in going to see it?  :D

Quote from: MacDeath on 18:18, 10 July 15
only in Holywood movies you see serious things using Apples.

according to trailers, in the dark future they don't believe in tactical helmets, especially when trying a direct Man assault on a fucking modern wardrone army in plain uncovered area.
Well, the problem with helmets in movies is you cannot see the actors' faces very well. Not realistic, but then again nothing about the future warfare with those Skynet drones is realistic IMO. At least the battle scene didn't look as much like Star Wars as in Terminator II.

I'm glad that this year we get some major event movies that are not comic book super hero adaptations (Star Wars, Terminator, Jurassic World). I'm sooo over comic book movies. Didn't watch Age of Ultron and Ant Man looks like crap too. So give me more of the Arnie-nator please.  ;)


Quote from: MacDeath on 18:18, 10 July 15
only in Holywood movies you see serious things using Apples.
As discussed in a previous post, the T-800 seems to be programmed in 6502 assembly. In reality, the code listing was taken from an Apple II magazine.

So it makes sense in the new movie (the T-800 would probably pick a computer with the same architecture) and as a nerdy in-joke for audiences that references the first movie.

I imagine the resistance fighters have Z80's and the like.  ;) The Atari Portfolio John Connor uses in T2 to get money from an ATM has an 8088.


Quote from: Morn on 19:37, 10 July 15
In my case, the spoilers in the trailers actually increased my interest in the movie. Because when I saw John Connor would be the main baddie this time, I understood why they cast the very evil-looking Jason Clarke to play him. So I was thinking, cool, at least now the casting choices make sense after all. And no Terminator movie can ever be worse than "Salvation" anyway, so what's the risk in going to see it?  :D
Well, the problem with helmets in movies is you cannot see the actors' faces very well. Not realistic, but then again nothing about the future warfare with those Skynet drones is realistic IMO. At least the battle scene didn't look as much like Star Wars as in Terminator II.

I'm glad that this year we get some major event movies that are not comic book super hero adaptations (Star Wars, Terminator, Jurassic World). I'm sooo over comic book movies. Didn't watch Age of Ultron and Ant Man looks like crap too. So give me more of the Arnie-nator please.  ;)

I stopped early on reading your post...

But only one thing : Thank you for you spoiler without hidind it...  >:(
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: remax on 21:04, 10 July 15

I stopped early on reading your post...

But only one thing : Thank you for you spoiler without hidind it...  >:(
That spoiler is in the trailer and on the poster (Jason Clarke is pictured as half-cyborg). Spoiler warnings don't really help when the official promo materials for a movie contain them.

But don't worry, the movie is full of twists, turns, and surprises, and this is by far the most boring one.


Such are the rules today if you want to increase your chances of having a good movie experience:

Don't watch trailers.
Don't read forums.
Don't talk with your friends.


It was the same with T2: Judgment Day where trailers spoiled the fact the Arnie was going to be the hero this time and protect John Connor.

Then again, both with T2 and T5, the trailer spoiler isn't that bad because the plot twist that is spoiled is resolved very early in the movie. It's far worse when trailers basically tell you the entire movie, including the ending, which the Terminator trailers don't do.


Usually when you listen about new film full superlative, our expectations are rising, and this increases chances that we will be disappointed. But we are not kids any more, and we should know about it.

I like T2 and T4.
I don't like T1 cause I don't like Arnie as bad guy.
I don't like T3 cause I don't like John Connor without balls.
I don't seen T5 yet. :)
In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


I never picked up on the spoiler in the trailer.
I don't mind knowing as my expectations for this film have been lowered after the new trailers.

So they send a battle hardened soldier to the past when suddenly he's no longer the battle hardened soldier who's been fighting these robots all his adult life but a clueless wimp who won't stick up for himself with the woman he's supposed to save who has fought 2 robots and that seems to make her the one with all the experience.

I'll still watch it but that is my impression from the trailer.
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Quote from: ZbyniuR on 11:04, 11 July 15
Usually when you listen about new film full superlative, our expectations are rising, and this increases chances that we will be disappointed. But we are not kids any more, and we should know about it.

I like T2 and T4.
I don't like T1 cause I don't like Arnie as bad guy.
I don't like T3 cause I don't like John Connor without balls.
I don't seen T5 yet. :)

I agree with your assessment of T3, it really was a load of rubbish.

However I strongly disagree with T1 because Arnie makes a perfect bad guy. T1 is my favourite Terminator movie.

T4 is boring. I've never managed to sit through and watch it all. I've got no expectations for T5, other than it will just be another crappy cash-in on the success of the first (and really, should still be only) two movies.

Did anyone watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles series? That was really good, shame it ended prematurely though. But most good shows do.


Quote from: seanb on 11:22, 11 July 15
So they send a battle hardened soldier to the past when suddenly he's no longer the battle hardened soldier who's been fighting these robots all his adult life but a clueless wimp who won't stick up for himself with the woman he's supposed to save who has fought 2 robots and that seems to make her the one with all the experience.
Somewhat true, but when Arnie plays the hero in a movie you pretty much know he wants everyone else to look like wimps in comparison. So it's not surprising that Sarah and Kyle come across as a bit weak and helpless. This is mostly an Arnie show.  :)

Quote from: EgoTrip on 11:50, 11 July 15
I agree with your assessment of T3, it really was a load of rubbish.

T3 was weak, but the ending was pretty cool. T3 is to the Terminator franchise what JP3 is to the Jurassic Park franchise: slightly weak B-movie, but with some enjoyable moments. That 1960s era bunker with the Commodore PETs still gives me chuckles.  :D

Quote from: EgoTrip on 11:50, 11 July 15
T4 is boring. I've never managed to sit through and watch it all.
Christian Bale is just a boring actor who sucks the fun and energy out of every movie he's in. The director of T4 was also pretty bad.

Quote from: EgoTrip on 11:50, 11 July 15
Did anyone watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles series? That was really good, shame it ended prematurely though. But most good shows do.
Supposedly T5 is somewhat inspired by the SCC, so maybe you will like it.  :)




Quote from: phi2x on 13:42, 11 July 15
I haven't seen T5 yet, so I reserve my judgment. But I can already say I'm not pleased with the PG-13 stuff.
I know I will cringe at all the stupid jokes once again.
Despite the PG-13 rating it's still pretty violent and dark, about similar to T2 I would say. In T5, there is even an equivalent to the scene in T2 where Arnold pulls the skin off his arm to reveal his endoskeleton which was one of the reasons T2 got a 15 (UK) or 16 (Germany) rating. On the other hand, no stabbing into the mouth through milk cartons in this one.  :)


Quote from: Morn on 12:26, 11 July 15
Somewhat true, but when Arnie plays the hero in a movie you pretty much know he wants everyone else to look like wimps in comparison. So it's not surprising that Sarah and Kyle come across as a bit weak and helpless. This is mostly an Arnie show.  :)

I meant making Kyle look useless next to Sarah.
The terminator is supposed to be tough but they've made her into the obligatory tough girl where the hero looks weak and useless for no good reason,  only to make her look tougher.
and that usually means failure.
The typical putdowns about her saving him or do I look like I need saving after he says why he's there and the terminator saying don't bother arguing with her because you won't win.

Already I know exactly how the interaction between Kyle and Sarah will be from the trailer because I've seen this played out in almost every action film from the past 30 years but I suppose that means a third of the film wrote itself.
no creativity needed.
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Yepp. Sad but true. Hard to find a good movie in this days. But people seem to be ok, as long as there is violence. What a sad world. I really miss intelligent SF movies a lot. Tonite it's time to watch Gunhead!  :laugh:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: seanb on 18:25, 11 July 15
Already I know exactly how the interaction between Kyle and Sarah will be from the trailer because I've seen this played out in almost every action film from the past 30 years but I suppose that means a third of the film wrote itself.
no creativity needed.
Well, Sarah is a bit loudmouthed in T5 but she doesn't really do anything amazing in the movie. T2 is still the film to see for the Sarah Connor ass-kicking factor. In T5 it's all just talk and most of the time we just wait for Arnie to get back on screen because E. Clarke and J. Courtney have no real screen presence whatsoever.

I don't think Sarah is supposed to look extremely tough in T5 (diminuitive, childlike Clarke is not exactly Sigourney Weaver in Aliens), she's supposed to be angry that her future has been determined by other people, including who to fall in love with. Which meshes well with angry psycho Sarah from T2 running off on her own to assassinate Miles Dyson. "No fate but what we make" and all that...

If you dislike the idea of tough, determined women with guns you should hate T2 far more than T5. And in fact pretty much any Cameron film, because Aliens, Titanic, Terminator I/II, Avatar, True Lies, etc. all feature women who discover their inner strength over the course of the movie. James Cameron is really Douglas Sirk in disguise.  :D


Linda Hamilton is how you get a tough girl done right and doesn't have any of the failings of the modern tough girl which I think has become a cheap cliché and pale imitation of the Linda Hamilton, Sigourney weaver strong woman.

My issue is the trailer males Kyle look useless and Sarah a walking cliché.
The interaction between the two seems to be seen it all before.

We know these characters and what I'm seeing looks like a slap in the face of what they're meant to be.

I'll still watch it and hopefully I'm wrong and I've just been jaded by lazy characters only shoehorned into films to apease rather than to push the story along that I've been subjected to for too long.

Modern films just annoy me I guess but the action sequences these days are so very good and they do look good here
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Well, Kyle is really there for the audience to identify with: In the future, he is told by John about the past as it has been established in T1 and T2, but when he arrives everything is totally different and he's confused initially (as is the audience). We the audience can buy in more easily when we see a character in the film slowly accept the changed circumstances.

But I don't think Kyle comes across as a wimp compared to Sarah in the rest of the movie, not least because the banter between him and Sarah has the feeling of an old married couple. It's the age-old, "they act like they hate each other but in reality they want to bonk each other's brains out" Jane Austen trope. It's nice, it's old-fashioned, it's romantic, and it's a good counterbalance to all the death and destruction in the movie. Cameron the big old romantic would have approved I think.

I know there are lots of girl power movies where petite women beat up men twice their size and we are supposed to take it all seriously, but T5 is not one of those movies.

I'm really curious how the all-female Ghostbusters (with Chris Hemsworth of all people as the receptionist) will turn out next year. If they play the female dominance for laughs it might be fun.


T1,T2,T3,T4 are meaningless to me, I watched the films but have largely forgotten them now, I hate films were they win at the end but there is a way that the threat returns in the sequel, can't wait for T99 :(


Well, Terminator: Genisys kind of flopped at the box office, so I think the chance of further sequels up to T99 has been diminished now. Unless this film does really well in China that is, but I doubt it...




Call me stupid, but why have they spelt Genisys that way?



Quote from: Bryce on 19:49, 26 July 15
Call me stupid, but why have they spelt Genisys that way?


It'll make sense if you watch the film.

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